Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

MY GOSH! WHAT a weekend!!! holy cow!! I am 817 posts behind! I havent had internet all weekend HAPPY EASTER everyone! also I have chicks in FIVE bators....yikes they are everywhere! trying to get enough brooders (and I am the brooder queen!) to suffice is VERY hard and enough lights for every one! I have so many "line" issues like with the fluffy projects we are doing...I mean there are line A's line b"s and then the straight 100% fluffies ALL have to be kept seperate until banded and then the Blue Am's I am getting of course BBS! all different colors...I am loveing all the babies....GOSH KARI those babies are GORGEOUS!! we only got ONE IOWA and I had to help it ...BUT it is doing fine now hopefully it will survive! We even got some partrige looking little red looking baby?? AWESOME and we got a couple of johns barred rocks the rest didnt hatch...other than the seven eggs still in there that didnt hatch (one is a IOWA) and couple Iowacanas and a couple barredrocks everything else hatched! We got 20 Bcms and 8 cuckoo marans out of 48 locked down eggs out of 58 incubated. There are too many to count hatching and too many lie I know of six brooders right now...YIKES and more hatching...will give final numbers soon and I am sure there is a cutest chick pic somewhere in there! Cant wait to catch up but we are building outside!! with all the nice weather will have to wait to catch up ....SIGH...least it keeps me from STANDING over the bators....see ya'll later!!
I will catch up soon, but I just had a chick hatch with the umbilical still attached to the membrane which was still attached to the shell. It was wrapped around his foot and every time he'd kick I'd see the skin stretch on his belly, so I reached in and pulled the membrane off the shell and untangled it. He looks pretty weak. The top of the umbilical is reddish..does that mean its intestine? Do I just leave all that dangling membrane?
As this is our Easter Hatch, I always try to remember the reason for the season.

I thought it was interesting the number of chicks I hatched.

33. One for every year of our Lord's life.

Sadly the 33rd died after a number of hours.

Rather symbolic... but, He is Risen. Jesus Christ lives!

Through the Holy Spirit, all of us can come to know, HE LIVES!
I saw this one for the first time last week, thought, how different. I like the last one they made. That is really quite something that you hatched 33, one died.
I know my Savior Lives!
Last night I had to cull a chick. There was just no helping it. I woke up to 4 freezing chicks in the brooder. I got them warmed up and put back. This has just been a bad morning.

In less horrible news, I have 6 or more chicks hatched in the bator!
MY GOSH! WHAT a weekend!!! holy cow!! I am 817 posts behind!
Where have you been for the last 20 minutes?
Just kidding, it's not that fast.


Ok question i have had several chicks hatch at one time and caused the humidity to jump to 92% is it ok for me to take the ones all fluffed up out since that is so high or can i crack the incubator a little to drop the humidity or will that shrink wrap the rest that are piped
I have to get me two of those ecoglow I am always afraid some thing will bump the light at night. Those chicks look so content under it.
My hatch is just about over. Chicks are beginning to get glue in the shells. Haven't counted yet I think there is about 50 chicks .. Have some drying off the humidity spited bad during the night. Boy chicks are ugly when all sticky. wish I could put these chicks in the barn... too many feral cats here they would make nervous wreck out of them.
Heard chicks peeping 2 more have hatched look weak at this point of hatch. I have marans eggs that feel heavy but haven't pipped I leave them in there for the day. I fine with them they usually quit me. Time will tell
Got to go feed the horses and see if the mare I have in to be bred will say NO THANK YOU this morning so I can send her home....
his has sure been a experience hatching with other hatchahalics mispelled I have egg shells every where to try to figure out who hatched and who didn't.. b back later

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