Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Oh my goodness..I haven't heard that song in ages! How funny. I think we did do the na na na na na. Loved the old batman shows. Oh man, I'm getting old.
Thanks for posting that,, it really made me big smile for the day!

Most days I don't mind getting older . . .so many great things to remember . . . and share with my kids . . . they are still young enough to listen to Mom.
Most days I don't mind getting older . . .so many great things to remember . . . and share with my kids . . . they are still young enough to listen to Mom.

Hey, just looked to see who is giving the eggs up for the that you? Beautiful eggs.
How nice. Will have to go look at your birds!!
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!

Decided I'd better log in and announce the winners before I catch up on the thread- worked 78 hours in 7 days and I'm pooped!!!

Okay, the Flapper Contest was close, but it was BrettMo's Paratrooper who won the greatest number of votes- Congrats! PM me your mailing address.

Cynthia12 takes the prize in the Celeb Look-Alike Contest with her Lady Gaga Frizzle! Congrats to you!! PM me.

Okay, I'm going back to catch up again for a few minutes.

Congrats to the winners!

Dar, got your message, and yours SCG, and yours, c-a-m, etc...sooooooo sorry not to have answered you all earlier.

I was busy, but I'm better now. I'll catch up with all of the PMs from everyone when I get back from the farm- need to check on how they've all survived out there.

Missed you all!!

Sorry about all the pesky PMs
but glad you're back.
It was a TIE between Kathyinmo and Superchemicalgirl, but both of them deferred as they both helped run the hatch!

So third place becomes FIRST PLACE and the winner is......

No way! Thanks, everyone! That is really nice and completely unexpected.

Congratulations to Kathy, SCG, Ron, and Arielle as well!!!

(And, would ya look at that. My 1000th post!)
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It's spring time..down in the valley, in the mountains, today, looks like winter. What a difference. I love Utah!
This was taken from my back porch
This was taken from my front yard
I love my purple tree in the spring.
I love tulips! I have a lot!
my apple tree is alive ~ with sound..a lot of bees enjoying the flowers
Not all of the flowers are open yet.
These pictures were taken within 20 min. So there you have cover over the mountains, and spring trying to happen in the valley.
That is incredible! That's it... Utah's now on my list of places I have to visit. I can't imagine seeing that from my property. What heaven.

Just had our first daffodil open here yesterday, and the leaves are beginning to be noticeably budding... Spring's coming to Maine, too. It's been so unseasonably warm here but the grass is still mostly still brown. We're going to get some much needed rain this weekend so hopefully that will speed spring up!
I remember people calling it "Monkey Wards," but I didn't know what they were talking about. My mom was born in 1919 also. What a trip down memory lane, my sister had all the LP show albums, so I knew all about the trouble in River City, etc. as well as the songs from West Side Story, Oklahoma, etc. etc. I wasn't feeling like an oldie tho till last week when the eye doctor said I had cataracts in both eyes . I thought only really old people got them. I'm a mere baby of 64. It must be a mistake

Ok you've got to quit giving serious news in such a funny way! I started to post the laughing guy but then realized, "Hey! Wait. This is bad news!" So sorry about the diagnosis. Are you going to have the surgery? It's a pretty simple procedure.
*says the person that's never had to actually contemplate having her eyes cut into*

And, yes, 64 is still young!

Haha! That is pretty cool. Thank you for making me feel young again! I don't know why I assume everyone on here is around 35. lol I guess it's because I'm the oldest person on the Nevada thread! Jeez, I never actually stopped to think about that before. But now I feel like a pup (even though I'm not much younger than Alaska it did become a state right before I was born).

It's spring time..down in the valley, in the mountains, today, looks like winter. What a difference. I love Utah!
This was taken from my back porch
This was taken from my front yard
I love my purple tree in the spring.
I love tulips! I have a lot!
my apple tree is alive ~ with sound..a lot of bees enjoying the flowers
Not all of the flowers are open yet.
These pictures were taken within 20 min. So there you have cover over the mountains, and spring trying to happen in the valley.

What gorgeous pictures!!!
Thank you so much for sharing!

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