Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

I turned 50 a few months ago. I have 2 kids, 8 and 10, and I try to treat them like grandchildren. They are a blast, but keeping up with their school work is aging me!

My grandfather lived into his 90's and his mom to 96, so I figure I better plan for a long life just in case. When I cut out the sweets and high carbs, my joints stop hurting and the hot flashes subside. Breast cancer runs in my grandmother's family which includes ovarian and colon cancers--I'm trying to stop it before it gets going. Prevention is the next generation of treatment= another good reason to eliminate sugar and high carb foods and enjoy green leafy salads for breakfast along with plenty of ground flax seed. And lots of eggs!!

At the dentist's office last Monday, I was concerned about the aches a couple teeth have developed and the tech assured me my mouth was in better shape than most people my age. That made me feel better!!
I will be 46 this year. I have to say, other than being a teenager, I have enjoyed the age I was at, at the time, every year. I have never wanted to go back to a younger age. So far I haven't wanted to be younger again especialy if it meant that I would loose what I learned getting to that age. I am thankful that other than some back pain every now and again, I haven't had any medical issues so far. My best friend asked me when she was going to turn 40 (I am a few months older than her) if it had bothered me. I said no, why would it?
I would love having my BODY go back to age 20 if I could keep the wisdom I've earned in the past 34 years.

My wife would probably love my body going back to age 20 too!
47. . . Feels weird when I think about it. Like, that's how old your parents are. But, mom is 84 now. She still works (teacher) and drives
. Lost my eyesight this past year. That's weird too. I'm not used to not seeing everything. I can never find my "cheaters" but, it always feel like they're on my head like sunglasses. Years of gymnastics and dog grooming has left my back completely roached. Still happy to be here!
51 and liking it here, too!
I need to get some bifocals though. Always reaching for those reading glasses, - now where did I put them......?

SCG, maybe it is just me, but I think many of us still feel like we are 12, even into old age. I am off to pick up my turtle sandbox/ chicken dust bath today!
I'll give it up..I will be 59 this fall. Where did the time go??
I was born in 1953. I'm so old, sometimes I have to stop and figure out how old I am, cuz I forget. I will be 59 in August this year. Sheeeesh, I don't feel that old! Wait.... I don't really know what old is suppose to feel like.
My fear (in old age) is dementia or Alzheimer's. YIKES! What could be worse?!

I hope I have another 50 years of good health, because I sure have alot I want to accomplish. I have projects and goals that I would like to see through. I suppose that would be asking too much though.
Ditto. On the year and birth month, plus most of the other comments. I'm just hoping my fibromyalgia will stop its progression once I am not working (SIX work days to go!) because I intend to stay above the ground for many more years.
I still like playing with my pets, even at my old age.
I took the emus for a walk around the lake-pond yesterday. They took a swim.

That is so cool! Those are the luckiest babies to be able to do that!

The older I get the more I like to play with my pets! I'm 44. I really never guessed there were so many on BYC that were teens in the 80"s
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