Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

I used bamboo skewers and poked holes around the sides at the bottom. I used my military benefits ID. I only get 10% off, but that means no tax just like at the Exchange

Thanks everyone, I will call Ace Hardware and see if they have one. I am not using the homemade incubator I just wanted to see if I could do it cheap. I didn't poke holes in the bottom or the top. If I poke holes in the bottom I guess I should set it on blocks or something because I had it on the floor on carpet. I may have to message about wiring instructions. My homemade trial bator probably isn't very safe because I couldnt even get the plug to go into the extention cord. I just shoved it on there as hard as I could. It's just a test and I can see myself losing alot of sleep with it. I just called Ace and they don't sell them but we are going to my mom's for Easter and they have a Home Depot there.

For these eggs they may just have to keep turning during lockdown or I will have to go cough up $40 more for another LG.... Hmmmm I wonder if my cousin is working today..... I could use her 15% employee discount plus our Tax number and get one for $34...
I know... I'm so bad.
Thanks everyone, I will call Ace Hardware and see if they have one. I am not using the homemade incubator I just wanted to see if I could do it cheap. I didn't poke holes in the bottom or the top. If I poke holes in the bottom I guess I should set it on blocks or something because I had it on the floor on carpet. I may have to message about wiring instructions. My homemade trial bator probably isn't very safe because I couldnt even get the plug to go into the extention cord. I just shoved it on there as hard as I could. It's just a test and I can see myself losing alot of sleep with it. I just called Ace and they don't sell them but we are going to my mom's for Easter and they have a Home Depot there.

For these eggs they may just have to keep turning during lockdown or I will have to go cough up $40 more for another LG.... Hmmmm I wonder if my cousin is working today..... I could use her 15% employee discount plus our Tax number and get one for $34...
I know... I'm so bad.

You do not want eggs in lock down days to be turning. I didn't read your previous post but am guessing your doing a staggered hatch. Just put them all as if going to hatch (up humidity and take out of turner) then turn manually the ones that are not due in few days. Mark with X to know you turned them. Turning a near hatching chick will disorient it. They turn internally by which way is up, do their thing and hatch. If still swinging may exhaust themselves before they even decide to pip.
Wooo hooo! I have a egg wiggling! LOL I know my friends all think I am really strange because the last time our high school reunion group met I canceled out because my chicks were due. Only the people on this forum can really understand how exciting it is to hatch eggs.

Funny think is the egg that is moving is one I put in one day later than the others......hummmm wonder why.....
I feel the same way! I'm staying home for Easter this year. I'm sure dear MIL will NOT understand. Oh well. Love her anyway.

I run up stairs 20 times a day to check! No perfect place in my house either though I have started the wood stove to keep the eggs from getting too cold!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have a pip!!!

My DH and i debated hearing cheeps when I got home from work. He thought it was coming from outside. HA!
You do not want eggs in lock down days to be turning. I didn't read your previous post but am guessing your doing a staggered hatch. Just put them all as if going to hatch (up humidity and take out of turner) then turn manually the ones that are not due in few days. Mark with X to know you turned them. Turning a near hatching chick will disorient it. They turn internally by which way is up, do their thing and hatch. If still swinging may exhaust themselves before they even decide to pip.

It is a staggered hatch.. :( I found my guineas nest with 44 eggs and I just HAD to try and hatch them. So you think having a turner during hatchdown is worse than the risk involved with opening up to turn during lockdown? Because I have another incubator with Muscovy duck eggs in there. I though about making a small shallow box with holes in the bottom to put my silkie eggs inside and put it in the muscovy bator. That way they can't bump the Muscovy eggs or get them nasty but the humidity issue wouldn't be so bad because ducks like higher humidity. They Muscovy eggs are not on a turner and I have been manually turning them every day. I spritz with a fine mist of water after I turn them. Do you think they silkies would be better off locked down in there?
So, I checked the bators when I went home for lunch.

12 chicks hatched... the Icelandics were popping like popcorn.

2 eggs pipped in the Brinsea! one was in the Hovabator prior to lockdown, so that explains that (a Sulmtaler) and a Drekki Icelandic.

The BBS cochin from Renee's eggs is out and running around the hovabator... cute little thing... I can't tell if it's a blue or a black yet... I'm guessing black.

Slime is starting to look a little better but it still has that yellow/green poop sash across it's back and the other chicks are pickin' at it.... cuz it doesn't look normal. The two sulmtalers that are out have like pure white down. Real pretty.. the white Icelandics and the two Ameraucanas are yellowish.
One of the "iffy" WMR Ameraucanas has pipped! So happy I kept it in! Another sulmater in the hovabator has pipped. None of the other Renee eggs that remain have pipped. Still only one Icelandic in the 1588 that hasn't pipped.

This is turning into a cool hatch!

Can't wait until the Brinsea eggs start popping tomorrow or Saturday.
Well to my surprise when I got out the flashlight to look for pips I found a quail chick already hatched and a couple pips. I have the silkies, sizzles and quail in one bator and thats where the action and chirps are coming from. The bator with the LF is all quiet and I didn't see any pips but it's pretty full and I couldn't see them all so surely soon there will be action in there too. I'm working on getting the brooders ready now. The dog playpen I have the broodys in i'm making sure the chicks can't slip out anywhere since things are beginning to happen.
Ah all these early hatchers are killing me!! I don't see anything happening yet with my eggs
By the way today is my 21st birthday and I got the bet present ever - a 101 on my organic chemistry exam!!!

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