Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Woo hoo! The drive in to work this morning was "interesting!"
1). Last night's news mentioned people driving over the passes in snow, using their cruise control - are they nucking ffutz? But apparently some of those same folks were on the road with me this morning.
2). What are those people thinking when they pull into the space between my car and those ahead of me?! That's for SAFETY, you mororns!
3). I need a faster speed on my windshield wipers. Something more akin to "Noah's Flood" rain levels. Wipety-wipe isn't sufficient during some of the downpours.
4). I lost count of the number of times cars which had moved into my "safe stopping distance" space suddenly veered off to the right AND, horrifyingly, to the LEFT when traffic ahead slowed or stopped.
And I'm caught up here.
When folks move into my braking zone, I strobe my brights at them to let them know I didn't like it. If they notice and don't understand, perhaps they'll at least think about it. I'm really an optimist, because we all know they're just going, "What's that crazy gritch flashing her lights for??"

Regarding the wipers and downpours, if you folks don't know about RainX, please go spend $6 and use it on all of your windows and mirrors. I like to rub all of mine down with it and wait 5 minutes and then go through the car wash (I only bother once a year). It leaves a crystal clear product on those surfaces that makes water too cohesive to stay on the, so I almost NEVER use my wipers because the water beads off in big globs and I don't have to touch them. And we get HEAVY rains here. I love that my mirrors stay perfect, too. I have a big sedan, so I don't have a rear wiper...and with RainX I don't need it. Good stuff.

I am hoping that it was just a crazy driver or something.
I just set 100 Aloha eggs that were hand delivered from AZ, by Notinoz. So I hope they made a better trip!

Plus it wasn't all bad, at lease the one is a hen, and she lays such pretty eggs! And her name is Renee.

Well, 3+ days in trucks and delays for 3 hours' movement can't be good...I'm very glad you got the one, though!!

I thought I heard peeping from the brinsea last night, which didnt make sense, as the next batch of eggs isnt due until next week.
Then I was on the phone with a customer, and she asked, "DO I HEAR PEEPING?!" So I turned around to look and I have 2 baby ducks!! MY FIRST HATCHED DUCKS!!
Now if only we could find my stinking camera so I could take some stinking pictures!!!!

Is it in the pocket of a jacket you haven't worn in a while?

That's why I didn't ship mine out until today. I feared they would get there too soon for setting Saturday.

I'm following your lead. Mine all hit the road today!
Looks like my Easter hatch will be my own eggs. I just got 2 boxes of eggs today and one is on the way, so that's a lot of sitting before setting.

I received a box yesterday and a box today. I'm scared to let them sit that long before I set them. I only have one incubator, so I will plan for next year....but by next year, I will have more than 1 incubator no matter what my hubby says!
Thanks everyone for the help the pictures of the stacked egg helped me alot i reall appreciate it the total count so far is 118 including the 8 extra ones i got today with my 2 shipment of silkie eggs i still have 4 more boxes of eggs comming and if they have extras in them i could be in the 125 to 135 range for eggs count and i only have 2 turners that hold 42 each hopefully i can find another egg turner if not i will be stacking. when i stack do they turn just like the other ones or do i need to hand turn them some? will my turner be able to handle the extra eggs stacked on
Is it in the pocket of a jacket you haven't worn in a while? 

The last time I remember seeing it, Pastrymama and I drove out to BFE to a breeder's house. Pastrymama came home with 11 basque chicks, and I got 6 Spash ameracuana eggs. Pastrymama is SUPPOSED to be tearing though her gynourmous car...but she gets distracted easily.

Did I tell you she threw me down a climbing wall this weekend? She's half my weight and she thought it would be a good idea to pull me down on top of her so she could win a race. I almost sqoooshed her! Sneaky, she is.

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