Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Hmm. My first crooked-toed chick is definitely crooked-toed and now I'm thinking Basque. Little "Sneakers" does not like when I try to put on her shoes - and neither do I. First I tried using bandaids, but they fell off. I just shod her with blue painter's tape, but it is really hard to get her little toes straight!!! I am wearing a cardigan this morning, and the only way I could work on her foot was to have her snuggle against my stomach under the sweater and pull out one little upside-down foot at a time. Does anyone have any tips? I'm not happy with how they are set and I'll need to do it again this afternoon.

BTW one more swap Marans mix just hatched making a total of, um,.... 14 Thursday-eggs hatched. Nothing from the eggs due tomorrow yet.
Congratulations, everyone!

Here we go!
I have 10 out of 24 pipped through the shell. 2 of them pipped at the wrong end. I flipped one around and then I saw the other one. Should I be fipping the pipped end up to assist or should I leave them alone??? HELP!!!!
Well! I was up 4 times in the night to check the incubator as I had two pips on sister in laws eggs. I am awake usually three time but there was a bright light that came in the window onto the wall once that woke me up. I thought it was the moon as it is bright now but all our bedroom windows had the curtains closed. As I was getting out of bed it suddenly when out. So I stood there and could tell it was coming from the front room window. I had to go look out and the neighbor on the other hill across from us had a very bright light outside up high......Now I have never seen this before and so it was strange. Inside his house was an orangish light that seem to flicker slightly.......So I had to go back and get my glasses so I could see better. When I got back all lights were out.......Stranger and stranger. I know this man and have never had this happen before. He does work shift work so I am thinking maybe he came home from his shift. But usually when he comes home he has all the lights on in the house for a while....I can't wait to ask him what it was all about.

Now for the eggs......Thuuuu duuuuuuh! I have one baby that hatched this morning for sis. And two more pipping on her side and I have one pipping on my side. I don't know why mine are a day behind hers. They went in at the same time. This first one is a smallish egg but there are two smaller in there.
These are mixed barn yard eggs. No way to tell what they will be or look like.

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