Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

0 out of 25. Still one pip!
these chicks are running a little late on their schedule, hatch day was yesterday......but still, I finally got a pip today!
Pip to Zip to Hatch is being very consistent.... two in the brooder with two more pipped... told DH to go to bed without me
because last time I hatched, I went to sleep with pips and woke up to ten chicks!!!! Not wanting to miss that again!

But they are hatching when I leave... I think the hovering is giving them "performance anxiety".... LOL!!!!!
Out of my last 4 eggs I have 1 black silkie chick out and another chick pipped.
I'm so excited. The first chick out of my flock! And will be the last pure bred chick out of my flock if nothing else hatches lol. My Silkie roos and I just didn't get along so they got the boot.
So... when I went to put the eggs into lock down I found out that my incubator was too small

You see, I was a bit over zealous when acquiring eggs for the hatch so I have 4 different breeds that I wanted to be sure and keep separate. The baskets took up a bit too much room and in the end I had to not use one because I couldn't fit it in with all the other eggs. So I had two baskets, one for each AM batch (So I could tell which chicks came from which breeder) and then I had the mega-millions of Icelandics in carton/holders without baskets, that left me with 6 Marans eggs with now where to put them. So I put them in the baskets. I figured I'd be able to tell them apart from the Ameraucanas. Now that they are all hatching, I've realized I don't know what kind or color of Marans I have in there so I don't know what the chicks might look like. And I don't know what color AMs I have so not sure what to expect those chicks to look like either.
So now, after all the trouble to keep everyone separated I may end up guessing who is who after all. Somebody just
Out of my last 4 eggs I have 1 black silkie chick out and another chick pipped.
I'm so excited. The first chick out of my flock! And will be the last pure bred chick out of my flock if nothing else hatches lol. My Silkie roos and I just didn't get along so they got the boot.

Correction... 2 pips
All mine have hatched. I have four eggs that did not hatch and when I candled them they weren't moving so I think they died sometime during incubation. I have 3 ameraucana chicks, 2 mixed breed chicks, and 9 silkie chicks.
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