Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

I feel bad for gumming up the gears by being so late. I knew I was starting late, but I didn't realize that my birds would be less than accommodating and be slow to hatch. Hopefully this means they're girls, and they're getting ready to make their big appearance.
Well Unless someone has had no hatch at all I will be in the running for the Worst hatch. I have one lone chick. Out of 32 set. All but 5 developed but died a few days before the lockdown. They were full developed but had lots of yoke left. Don't know what went wrong! The ones that died were mostly ameracaunas.

My one lone Silky chick.

Yeah, well, I must say I beat you... none of mine hatched.

Your little one is rather cute, though.
My hatch was about like yours. The one chick that actually hatched out of 42 eggs died. It was deformed and never could stand up. I had a thermometer in there that was not reading right and I had some temperature spikes. I will try, try again and this time I have 2 thermometers in there and am watching it super close. Only 12 days to go on my ducks...

So sorry, henneypenny, I sympathize with you. On the hatch I am attempting now, I have 3 thermometers, two with hygrometers.
Good luck with your duckie babies!
Yeah, well, I must say I beat you... none of mine hatched.

Your little one is rather cute, though.
So sorry. Better luck next time.
I only had one baby actually hatch on Easter... and here he/she is... and here is my entry for Cutest Easter Chick...

OMG!!! Love this
I only had one baby actually hatch on Easter... and here he/she is... and here is my entry for Cutest Easter Chick...

She is a cutie-pie! I love the face! Talk about your MAJOR Stink Eye! That caption should read,

"You think I'm playing. Get me out of this fake egg and get me some buddies, and I mean NOW!"
no, the caption should be, "Don't even think of touching the chocolate"

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