Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Me too! Me too! Me too!

I set 19 mutts! They are from a Salmon Faverolles rooster over the following hens: GLW, SLW, BR, BA, and EEs, and there is 1 pure Salmon Fav in the group.
This batch better hatch out on time,,December 31st we hope to have 8 more dozen eggs here to go inside the bator,that will take up 2 trays,,out of the 3.1 Tray is packed full now,and when we got the 18 BLRW eggs yesterday,those took up 1/2 of another tray,so the hatching tray will be full on Dec.31st.
Kathyinmo,,your having good luck,,his eggs have been sent to Hawaii with the same great hatching results.My cuckoo marans eggs from Georgia rival his hatch rates tho.I think it would be interesting to start a thread,listing distance between buyer and seller,,total number of days it took to get the eggs,the number of eggs shipped,number of eggs candeled "good",,and a final results.I'm hoping for the best with the Blue Laced Wyandotte eggs,as I have bought eggs from New York state before,and not much luck with them,,but of the 63 eggs cooking now,45 of them are from Ga again,,( 2 fbc eggs were cracked tho,actually leaving me with 43) I'm betting we have no less than 38 chicks hatch from the 43 good eggs from Ga,and maybe only 5-6 hatch out of the 18 eggs from New York.Anyone else wanna make predictions??
Warden......hold on to that hope. My hatch yesterday made it through 2 power outages, 31 out of 38 and everyone is doing great. The first power outage was on day 3 and the incubator dropped into the 70's for 19 hours ( I wasn't home
) Second outage happened on day 17.... but it did take them an extra day to hatch. Hang in there!
Well, we will keep our fingers crossed for you Warden... Especially for the Light Sussex.

Day two will be history at noon.
Count me in, I happen to have some in the bator that will be due on 1/1/2010. It's a new homemade bator and the eggs are mutts from a friend as I only have hens.
I also plan to do the first candle on Dec 21st (10th day).....I'm running at 99.1-99.7 (forced air) and about 44-46 percent humidity.....Good luck every one!!!
Mahonri,as per your request on post #92 on this thread,,I got the camera out a little while ago,and took these pics,,

Heres whats in the low and slow,all french black and cuckoo marans in the top shelf,and 1 row of them in the second tray,,eggs on the outside in middle tray is the blue laced wyandotte eggs,,and here is a pic of what I have it set on for now,,

As the commercial goes,"So easy a caveman can do it"
well folks we are well on our way to day 3 ! i set mine firday at 11 am! im already going NUTSO wanting to candle.. LOL i HOPE these are fertile! and i hope we have a good hatch! keeping my fingers crossed here and planning on candleing next friday but i doubt i will wait that long.... ill be lucky to make it to tuesday nite! haha!
My New Years' eggs are in as of Friday...13 only, thanks to my broody little hens! They're in a Genesis 1588, forced air incubator...temperature is preset, and I keep the humidity at 55-60%. I probably won't candle them until Friday, Dec. 18...maybe...!

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