Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010


Urban Desert Chicken Enthusiast
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 14, 2008
North Phoenix
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all... I'm setting up the incubator next Monday (December 7th).

I plan on putting eggs in on the 11th of December so that I can get the first chicks of 2010.

Anyone want to join me?
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ups, i want to, but i just give my broody hen 4 eggs i bought from market so only have small possibility to hatch.

that's a great idea to have a new year babies.

surely you'll have many to join soon.
I'm hoping to put in 12 BC Marans, 6-12 W/BW Ameraucanas.. both from breeders here on BYC.

Then I'm going to put in as many GC Marans from my hen as she'll give me between now and then as well as many W/BW Ameraucanas (up to 17-23 eggs) from my own flock.

Should be fun.

I'm hoping I get a better hatch rate with many of my own eggs as compared to the shipped ones.
What a great idea , A new year chickie..
humm I am thinking ,
but Dh is still not feeling well enough
to allow me to be busy with hatching as I have
a Orp. 7 days old from a hatch that the others
didnt make it.But have my first ameraucans.
just hatched 3 months ago.all 3 hens yahooo
i am going to be setting in Jan
, but i hatced one out of 57 eggs of this breed last week. it died, the breeders said he would send me more eggs in jan after the do AI. fo free
hope you peeps have a good hatch
Well, my eggs for the hatch (from breeders) are paid for... so we'll get the bator out and set it up next Sunday night and run it for a few days to make certain that it's up to temp and the humidity is right.

Who else is with me... first chicks of 2010!!!
Start getting the eggs set up now folks for a New Year's Day Hatch... first peeps of 2010!!!

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