Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Couldn't get too good a picture on mine.
Have some RIR,BR,SLW and when I got the eggs was told
araucana but I suspect EE's.(didn't see the chickens just eggs)
These I will raise mostly for my egg layers for around the house
and for friends and such.

Great pics folks! I'm going to resist and only candle two times. with as many eggs as we have, we just have to do it that way. Monday the 21st (Day 10) sometime after 6PM... then early afternoon on the 29th (Day 18) just before lock down.

It will be fun to see how many we all hatch out.. We'll make a final tally and do percentages and stuff after pics have been taken and the hatch is done.

446 hours to hatch!
I might have missed this, but are we all dealing with shipped eggs or a combination of both? It would be interesting to note the percentage of shipped egg hatches/home bred hatches too, I think.. Log me down for Shipped Eggs (from MI)
Will do.

I'll figure out some kind of format at the end where we can all report. How many made it past day 10 candling, how many made it to lockdown and then # hatched to figure out percentages.

Of the 65+ eggs I have in my bators, 32 are shipped. 18 of the BCMs from Houston area, and 14 W/BW Ameraucanas from Eastern Washington.... so a little under half.

Everyone tells me I'll have a better percentage hatch with my own eggs... but that is if Geoffry my BW Ameraucana and Barack my GCM is doing their job.
Geoffry is young... hatched out around the 4th of July so he won't even be 6 months old for a coupel more weeks. BUT... I did see him get the Old EE rescue hen today as well as the huge Delaware and he was successful both times. The eggs I've opened from that coop all have the bulls eye so I'm hoping I get better than a 29% hatch this time (like I did the previous two hatches)

444 more hours to go!!!
The 30 eggs tha I have in this incubator came from
someone else but was not shipped.I drove about 4 1/2
hours or so to pick them up myself.
My 15 eggs were also shipped. They came from just south of me but took 4 days to get to me. Plus right as they were shipped, we had a cold snap. I don't have high hopes but we will see.
We'll be crossing our fingers for you and sticking with you till you have pics of the little ones!!
I just can't wait to candle. I really hope they are ok, they were not outside very long after being delivered and I let them sit overnight to come to room temp, then put them in the incubator in the morning. I have another batch due on Christmas so I won't be too upset if they don't do well. The ones due on Christmas are really doing well. I candled tonight and saw movement in all but about 5 eggs out of 23. But the ones for New Years are my Buckeye's and I really want them to hatch!

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