Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

I just made a home made incubator,and put 7 Buckeye eggs in it on the 12th of December.If everything goes good they should hatch on the 1st.
The incubator is working pretty good so far,I just hope it stays that way.
Your very first BYC post! Hey, welcome to BYC! Hope to see you around here alot! Best wishes on a great hatch!

well my shipped eggs were late and they sat over night in the cold .........but they are in the incubator with 6 of my mut eggs 4 of wich i put in two days earlier and they already have veins!!! but none of the shipped eggs do even the 2 of mine i put in when i put the shipped eggs in have veins??? Any one have any input on this ??The shipped plus 2 have been in since monday night and the other 4 since saturday night early maybe or just no good eggs??
Mahonri,,when are you gong to post the chart spoken about earlier to list each participants stats on eggs? Such as 1)variety 2)number of eggs shipped of that variety,or breed 3) State they were shipped from 4) final number after candled 5)final hatch result % ?? It's getting close to candling time,and room in the bator is a valuable commodity,,especially when we have a new group of over 108 eggs being shipped to us on Dec 28th. The batch in now better be fast and furious hatchers and ready to va-moose from the bator in 1/2/2010
well 22 in 16 show girls and silkies and 6 muts from my own birds for fun but I dont have high hopes on the 16 as they were shipped ,.............
the 16 shipped and two muts went in monday the 14th due to shipping delays and the four other mutts went it saturday the 12th as I said in my earlier post the 6 muts have veins already and none of the shipped do......O well hoping for the best they have only been in a few days !!!!And it is my first time incubating !!!!
Ok, I couldn't wait any longer...I candled, and I think I have 3 blood rings, though I'm not tossing anything away yet, and I think that I have about 6 clears, but again, not tossing yet...though the rest of the 19 have veins!
This will be interesting to see who and where shipped eggs sent from,do the best.The 33 cuckoo marans eggs I have in now,came from the same breeder I bought from in August,and in that bunch of 12 eggs,we hatched out 10 chicks,,hoping for the same this time,,she also sent 12 French Black Coppers,but 2 of them were slightly cracked,I waxed them,and put them in,if they hatch,they hatch,,but since they were damaged before they went into the bator, I do not think those should actually count in the final stats. The 18 BLRW will be a toss up,but my experience with eggs shipped from New York,is like trying to push water uphill,you get nowhere fast.
I'm back!

We took off Thursday morning and drove to SLC. Spent a great day with family there on Friday and today was spent driving back... we brought home DS#2 who had finished finals and is getting ready to go to Hungary for two years.

We won't candle until Monday evening. Should be fun.

What I'll do is show you how to do your own little chart, that way I can combine everything together.

Once I candle on Monday night, I'll put it together.

I'm excited to see a number of first time hatchers... and even first time posters on the thread that are having a New Year's Day hatch!

Glad to see some of them are already developing.

It was SOO cold in Utah... (and they were all saying we had brought warmth with us)... so glad to be back in AZ.

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