Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

I'm guessing my first pips will be tomorrow evening in the Brinsea and New Years Day in the morning for the Hovabator.

We saw some with great movement while candling, we saw others that I hope were just sleeping.

Started with 67 eggs. Down to 47 at lockdown.... I guess you just have to count on that... and not much difference between shipped and my own!

My one roo is young. He'll be 6 months old this week. The other will be a year old in February. I think the younger one does his job better!
58-70 is a great range Mahonri. I think you have it just right. So how much longer?

Oops , I lost all the stuff I wrote! Pre order the tickets or you may not get in and get there wayyyy early to stand in line for the movie. They are wrapping down the theaters for this one. How do you buy the boxes at u-haul? Do they always have them?
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I do hope you are right.

If I get less than 20 though, that would be a BIG dissapointment.

When we candled a little brown cochin egg last night I was amazed at how it was moving. She is such a BIG pullet but she lays tiny dark brown eggs.

It has two possibilities for fathers... it will either be purebred partridge cochin or BWAmeraucana X partridge Cochin. Either way should be a pretty bird.

I also have a tiny EE that lays a LARGE light green egg. I have her in with the GC Marans roo. Perhaps I'll get an olive egger?... but that one was very active during candling also.
I think you are going to be very surprised at how well the dry hatch works.

I am just amazed right now too because I just looked in the incubator and I have three pips! Gee I didn't think it was time yet. I guess I am hatching with you! Wheaton Marans, Buckeyes and 1 GC Marans. 17 in one incubator and 9 in the other.
I am only doing the dry hatching now so I will let you know how these come out. I have them in the plastic cartons and my two hygrometers are reading 63-70
Oh my stars!
Mahroni- I am not sure how I missed your thread, but is it too late to join you?

I have 4 eggs in the bator due to hatch the 31st-1st...and one had pipped last night. A little early, but he was still pipped & active this morning.

All 4 eggs are (hopefully) from Patchwork and the 2 exchequer/sussex-cross hens. F2 of the Aloha Chickens project arrives!
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Mine are due to start hatching tomorrow night too. Good luck everyone!
hey guys!
i lockeddown last night and i just had a pip:weee.mine seem to pip on day 19,zip and hatch by day that right or are my temps a shade too high?
come on everybody and lets start hatching some babies:jumpy
i unfortunatly am not in lock down with you all. i dont think my roo is doing his job, all mine were in fertile. same with the mix eggs i set a week later... ill be throwing more of mine in on friday GAH!

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