Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

I fear that this 2nd hatch of mine is ruined once again. I don't see much in my eggs. Maybe 2 or 3 out of 30 eggs. Had temp problems but now I got a Hovabator and will try a new batch tommorow.
I am sorry Jaguar The hovabators are very nice, I have been using them and having good hatches.

Dinahmoe, yes get that coffee ready. Average of 12 hours for mine to get out.
I have 17 out of 22 eggs (five infertile?) that might hatch on January 1. Today at 12:30 P.M. I filled both water wells of the Genesis 1588 and went into lockdown. I checked at 6 P.M. and the humidity was 88%. I took everything out and removed all the water from the smaller, one cup, well, leaving only the one and one-half cups in the larger well. I just now checked at 6:30, and the humidity is still too high, 82%. I don't understand why this possibility of the chicks' drowning is happening. I hatched out 18 chicks in my other Genesis 1588 last month with no humidity problems whatsoever, eighteen days of 55% and three days of 65%. Everything has gone well until this high humidity problem today. Hopefully, it'll work itself out.
one and a half cups is alot of water in there. That is why it's that high Joe. Do you have the vent plug in or out? I would take out somemore water and then add it as you need it. If you have to go to work then Yes you would need to have more in there so you don't dry down too much.

I keep a seperate pot full of good water and covered at lockdown. When I need to add water, I heat it up on the stove until warm and then add as needed to bring up the humidity as needed.

Oh good grief, why is it when the Marans egg finally decides to zip the Buckeye decides to sit on top of it?
I'm adding water to the hovabator constantly.

I'm even having to add water to the Brinsea as the pump can't keep up. I have the Brinsea now set at 64.

The two hygrometers are miles apart from one another in the hovabator. One says 56 the other says 68. I'm trying to keep it right there, because I believe the 68 and not the 56 as more accurate, but I guess it's still a crap shoot. I should have calibrated them prior.

But the one that says 68 is one I've used before and I drowned half the babies so I don't know.

Can you tell I'm a mess?
Hopin' for the best for you!

I understand how you are feeling!

Hang in there, Mahonri. There ought to be some kind of New Years resolution for this situation. Not that it's likely any of us would keep one.

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