Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Good Morning, How is everyone? I hope your hatching goes well.

I think the large,huge, or weird aircells have more to do with the egg itself and either shipping or porsoity of the shell. In the eggs I received and am incubating there were a few very large aircells and also some U shaped ones. But the rest were fine. That tells me it is the egg itself and not the dry incubation method.
Well so far out of 17 eggs I have 12 out and one zipping. 2 Marans and 2 Buckeyes haven't pipped. I will give it a few more hours and then I will go in. Chances are they didn't make it.
I have one pip in the other incubator of 9 eggs. I just upped the humidity because they are Marans. It was 60 and I go higher with them.

IN THE HOVABATOR, where humidity was higher!

And it's a FBC Maran.

And chirping like crazy!!!
Those are different chickens than I am familiar with (except the Serama) do you have pics of them? I would love to see what they look like.
Congrats Mahonri on your first pip!
Chickies are coming soon.
I have my first 5 pips this morning.
Good luck everyone hatching!
I have a question about this statement. On what day do you usually decide to help? I ask because I had a day 24 maran and asked on the board what to do, the only response I got was "leave it in the bator and wait for it to hatch" I candled and it was active at that point. I candled again on day 25 and no movement. I opened it and it was dead but hadn't pipped. If this happens again.....when should I try to help?
I had a pip last night (this morning) at 1:30am....just awoke to find a beautiful BLUE mottled cochin chick! YEAH!!

Mahroni- Congrats on the pips!

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