Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

I'm holding that faith, but usually once one starts pipping and zipping, it's a non stop thing.
Noon tomorrow starts day 22.

You are just doing what we all do .... questioning yourself and worrying! Did I use the correct humidity? etc ....

Mine seemed to like hatching on day 22.

Good luck!
I'm holding that faith, but usually once one starts pipping and zipping, it's a non stop thing.
Noon tomorrow starts day 22.

You are just doing what we all do .... questioning yourself and worrying! Did I use the correct humidity? etc ....

Mine seemed to like hatching on day 22.

Good luck!

Off to check the bators... will do a 10pm update and then I'm taking a Lunesta.
Here's to good luck for everyone who is still waiting for their
hatch. Hope all goes well.
I ran my incubator at 40-45% humidity for the first 18 days and then
for the last few days I upped it to 60-65% until chicks started hatching
and at times it would spike to 82%. Did that with both hatches I just
did and all turned out ok.
Started out with 30 and had 7 duds. Nothing ever formed so I
assumed they were not fertile. The other 23 all hatched out by
yesterday morning and all are doing great.



Kids were home for the second hatch and are now all wanting to know
when we are incubating again.
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well, my pip has finally decided to start unzipping... he's about half way around. Still nothing from the other 7 eggs but I'm still hoping to get at least a couple more by morning. My last hatch had about 2 days from first to last hatched... I guess I'm going to have to try to even out the circulation in the bator or start rotating the trays.
my second one just popped out... hoping for a couple more tonight or tomorrow sometime... I'll get them out and post pics tomorrow. Happy new year to everyone.
So in the hovabator there are TWO new FBCM pips
None of the w/bw have hatched but there are now Five pips in the hovabator (2 of Jeans and 3 of mine)

In the brinsea, the GCMaran X Dellie pip is still there.
and now there is a BW Ameraucana X LB Leghorn pip. No zipping????

So 2 FBCMs all fluffed out and running around the hovabator

and a total of 9 additional pips.

Humidity has stabalized in the hovabator now that the 2 chicks are all fluffed out.
Happy New Year and congrats.

I almost HAVE to stay up now to see which one of my chicks will be the first of 2010! But I'm TIRED.

DS#1 and girlfriend have gone with DS#2 to a party.

DS#3 has gone to a dance

DS#4 is up the street at a neigbors

DS#5 & #6 have their freinds here having a good time, looking for pips
DD is just having fun with brothers and the friends.

All of my new pips in the past hour are giving me hope.

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