Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Yup, depending on how the incubation went and other factors involved, some can go on for quite some time. Most of my hatches complete within 24 hours, however I like to think I have almost perfected my incubation and I don't typically hatch shipped eggs, which removes obstacles at hatch time. Lots of patience Mahonri.
I had only one chick on my hatch day and the other 5 were at 3am this morning. I still have one egg in there that is moving a little bit.

I didn't intervene at all. I let them do their thing. I had one sit in a pip that was big enough for me to see into for 24 hours!

I would just leave then alone. I'm sure that I'm going to have one hatch tonight or tomorrow morning.

They know when they are ready to come out. They might just be resting contemplating their escape:).
My first New Years chick arrived around 3 this afternoon. I have 11 eggs but not much sound coming from the bator. The first one was a Frizzle/Sizzle mix. Don't have a pic yet to post. I'll wait till they all hatch that are going to.
Teacher- I'm so sorry. It's a bummer to wait all that time and nothing.
You will try again won't you?

I have 5 Marans pipped, no Wellies yet and one little lonely chick in the brooder.
I can see this going until tomorrow night!!

Day 22+5 hours; 5PM Report

26 hatched! 2 of the FBCM seem 'weak' probably just resting and recuperating.

2 zipping 1 very quickly... should be out by the time I finish typing. both of those in the Hovabator.

9 pipped (2 of those within the last 15 minutes both in the Brinsea)...

OK confession... while pulling chicks out of the Brinsea I candled and pipped one of my own GC Marans. It was dead, I could tell when I picked it up. It had not pipped into the large air sac and there was no blood flowing. so 1 quitter so far out of the 47. son of Mahonri (who now thinks he is an expert) thinks it quit a day or so ago.. .who knows.

I still have six chicks running around the 1588 and 3 in the Brinsea, so 17 are in the brooder box. The Brinsea comes right back to temp and humidity so I think I was OK removing some chicks and the quitter GCMarans.

And finally,

5 FBCM w/o pips
1 of Jean's w/o pip so I have 5 or 6 of her chicks!!! I'll have to count shell tops!
3 from my coop w/o pips

Germaine... I may have 34 yet!
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