Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

Day 22+7,5 hours; 7:30PM Report

27 hatched!

1 still zipping ... it's a GCMaran X Black Star

9 pipped

5 FBCM w/o pips
1 of Jean's w/o pip so I have 5 her chicks!!!
3 from my coop w/o pips

1 GCMaran's quitter (dead)
You're doing great! Hang in there!
Amazing what can happen in 10 mintues.

29 Hatched

2 zipping... looks like they are moving along!

Another FBCM! and a BW Am. X Black Am. (should be a fun EE)

6 pipped.... some of these might need some help... ALL of the W/BW that went into lockdown have hatched with the exception of one (one of Jeans)

9 still lack a pip.
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Sorry it took so long to get pics. We are demo-ing the floors today getting ready for new ones. I am tired. So this is the best I can do for now.
Please ignore any waterers with shavings. I clean it out and they put it back. I have to seperate them up because there are too many in there but it sure worked for now.

There are Buckeyes, 1 GC Marans, Wheaton Marans, BC Marans (and Light Sussex from last week) oh and I can't forget my little goose who now thinks he is a chicken. He is so precious in there.









O my! I'm thinking I'm going to need a bigger brooder!

I've never had this many hatch before!

32 hatched!

1 Zipping

4 w/ pips

9 w/o pips

1 quitter...

Midnight will be 36 hours since first hatch.

Looks like I could finish with 37! That would be 78% from lockdown and 55% from first set. Never in my wildest dreams... and I'm still praying that last one of Jeans and my Marans X EE hatches (I want an olive egger)
So did the Long Jean egg hatch? And I would so love to see your wifes face when you smile sweetly and say "I guess it was just meant to be...." heheheheh.

Now I am starting to get an attitude. When do I get to say I told you so? And i do deserve it after all you have put me through.
Rustyswoman - I love your goose, now I want one to. My husband is going to have a heart attack if I keep adding to my flock. The kids want some call ducks to. I hope your lone little one figures out its a goose eventually.

Mahonri - Congrats on all the new babies. That is definitely going to have to be a big brooder. That's a good thing!
Hi sekinkead, My little goose is so sweet. You will love them. He isn't alone though. He has 6 grown ups outside ready to break my door down when he gives him little honks.
I have to admit I egg them on by showing him to them. It is hilarious. He also has an 8 week old sister in the garage. She was in the chicken coop but it is cold and i found her outside the other night and don't want to worry that she will freeze to death out there.
The make big poopy messes though, so be prepared. And they like to do it everywhere you walk.

They are noisy too and the best watch dogs you could ever have. I love mine to pieces.
#34 just hatched, YOU TOLD ME SO!!! Unbelievable. DW is making fun of me... "remember how depressed you were last night with just two?" You can have attitude I suppose.

The Long Jean egg has pipped big, I imagine that "J.D." will hatch before midnight. Besides "J.D.", there are two others with pips and I imagine that will be it for the hatch... that would make 37.

There are two still in there that I would still love to see hatch, but I guess my feelings won't be hurt if they don't.

I may have to sell some of my GC Marans crosses. I just don't have enough room. I seriously figured I'd be real lucky to get 30 and that I'd be happy with 20, tomorrow I'm going to be scrambling to figure out how I'm going to set up my brooder with sooo many chicks... I don't think one waterer will be enough, I'm going to have to buy another.

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