Mahonri's First Annual New Year's Day Hatch/Jan 2010

I have 2 more pips!

I had originally set 3 eggs, and then 2 more a few days later---

So 1 hatched from the first 3 and 2 pips from the last 2.

Sorry, after re-reading my post, I see why I confused you. I will edit. Anyway, I used to only hatch using the dry method until recently when I thought that I would try raising the humidity with the Marans to see if my hatch rates would increase with them and yes it did increase with the higher humidity. I still hatch everybody else (everybody being any other breed than Marans) using the dry method. I have found that when I try a higher humidity with my Welsummers the hatch rate decreases. So, in answer to your question...I do not use the dry method with my Marans because of the decreased hatch rate.

Thank you Pink Chick I appreciate the help.
One of the babies that had pipped yesterday hatched sometime this morning, and breaking that vein in the other one didn't kill it!
It's still tring to come out the rest of the way, but it's making it so far. No other pips yet, so once the others get into the brooder, I'll candle if there's no more progress.
My first ever chick is here!!! A birchen cochin! He looks a little weak but is quite the fighter....squaking a lot and jumping around but takes frequent naps. I hope he'll make it. We named him Lucky.
It would seem that I ran my incubation too dry too long. I couldn't watch a healthy chick struggle any longer, and I pulled the shell off. He is almost fully dry, and the inside of the shell was brown and fairly dry/sticky, so I'm not sure what to do now. I tried to help out the chick that had pipped out the wrong end, but even when I picked the membrane, it bleed, so I will just let it go on its own. I guess I'm just frustrated since I know there will be no more hatchign oportunities until spring...
7 Marans, 5 Wellies out so far and several more chicks working on it in the of the Wellie's has pipped at the wrong end. Several more to go....boy these babies want to take their time.

Congrats! Jaguar6 and Cloverleaf! Crossing fingers for more!
Too Cool! When are they due? You know you have to post pics of them for me!
Funny, a gal from down your way was just here picking up some Marans chicks for her and her daughter, she has one of my Salmon Fav roos from last year....she is in love with him and says he is her favorite roo. I love to hear about them and I do miss them.
Due next Friday/Saturday. And, actually now that I have a seperate hatcher, I have 9 other eggs in the bator now that are due on other dates (3 each setting). I'll definitely keep you posted!

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