
You're killing me here.  A month ago I would have taken them all at once.  I don't think I've got room enough now, with my 17.  Hope she finds a home, I was desperately trying to find comets!  I doubt she will have any issues homing these beauts.
If you can think of anyone please let me know. I fear she may be pushed into a short sale.
I'll apologize in advance for being "that guy" who has about half a dozen posts in a row--but my chicks should be arriving today. Potentially tomorrow, but I'm hoping for their health (and my sanity) it's today!

Moving on, I have 10 Barred Rock and 6 Red Star showing up--as well as a "free rare exotic chick". Anyone else had this experience with Murray McMurray? I probably should have declined the free rare exotic, but figured it could be fun. If it turns out to be a cockerel I'll need a home for him, and figured I would ask for your assistance.

Today will be Chick Day!!! I will post up photos and we will see if we can identify this rare exotic I've got coming. Who's ready for some chicken trivia??
I'll apologize in advance for being "that guy" who has about half a dozen posts in a row--but my chicks should be arriving today.  Potentially tomorrow, but I'm hoping for their health (and my sanity) it's today!  

Moving on, I have 10 Barred Rock and 6 Red Star showing up--as well as a "free rare exotic chick".  Anyone else had this experience with Murray McMurray?  I probably should have declined the free rare exotic, but figured it could be fun.  If it turns out to be a cockerel I'll need a home for him, and figured I would ask for your assistance.  

Today will be Chick Day!!!  I will post up photos and we will see if we can identify this rare exotic I've got coming.  Who's ready for some chicken trivia??
Yeah! I love chicken special delivery day! Wishing you and your chicks the best.
@ MEMama3 Let me take a run through the building and check with the few fellow chicken keepers, see if anyone can take on a new flock. I know there are a few that were looking--although I just set one up with some guineas...he may not be in a thankful mood! hahaha
Weird as it may sound, you should inspect the scat. If it's full of hair (or looks...pretty hairy) it's most likely a fox. It wouldn't be too much larger than a barn cat's droppings either. Lots of times a fox will mark territory like this so it will seem like an oddly placed deposit, but to them it's territory. Stumps, clearings, rocks, dirtpiles, anything of the sorts.

Coyote droppings look much more like a typical pile a dog would leave behind, albeit smaller.

Makes sense, right? A little crude, but it's how the predators work.

Oh Jazor, That doesn't sound weird to me at all. Both my brother & son are hunters. Uusually the first words out of their mouths when I mention an animal sighting, "Did you see any poop?" I did inspect, it even took pictures. I was thinking fox but now I'm leaning towards coyote. What do you think?


Originally Posted by Jazor

Congrats on the chicks!! They are just so darn cute when they're little! Can't wait to see them!! My last ones we slid under a broody under the cover of night to replace eggs that didn't hatch. They were reaised completely in the coop. The ones before that started out in a dog crate in the computer room near the pellet stove. Then moved to the garage when they got too big & smelly. These are the friendliest ones--the Red Stars & White Leghorns, probably because they had so much human interaction. We also had 2 white silkie roosters in this batch. The littlest one was always peeping so we started taking him out to sit with us at night. He'd crawl up under my chin or on my shoulder under my hair and promptly go to sleep. He'd do this with my daughter too!
Only on a site like this do folks wait patiently for the poop photo! Thanks for posting it! That's how we all learn, how ever, when I saw the close up of the poop, I thought I could smell it!

Jazor, congrats on the chicks.

my cat seems to be back to normal today. He's eating fine, and I haven't found any puddles. I'll continue to keep an eye on him. He's quite the hunter, so I'm guessing that he may have got ahold of something that was an irritant. I'm hoping that that was all that it was, and won't be a long term and expensive problem!

We cranked up the wood stove last night to take the chill off... When we got up this morning, I found that my 12 y.o. grandson had the fan in his open window all night, BLOWING IN. No wonder I was so cold last night! It was 62 degrees in the house this AM!
Only on a site like this do folks wait patiently for the poop photo! Thanks for posting it! That's how we all learn, how ever, when I saw the close up of the poop, I thought I could smell it!

Jazor, congrats on the chicks.

my cat seems to be back to normal today. He's eating fine, and I haven't found any puddles. I'll continue to keep an eye on him. He's quite the hunter, so I'm guessing that he may have got ahold of something that was an irritant. I'm hoping that that was all that it was, and won't be a long term and expensive problem!

We cranked up the wood stove last night to take the chill off... When we got up this morning, I found that my 12 y.o. grandson had the fan in his open window all night, BLOWING IN. No wonder I was so cold last night! It was 62 degrees in the house this AM!
While I did close all the windows in the main part of the house I did have the bedroom window open and a fan running. Slept great. The house was down to 62 when I got up. Around 57 in the bedroom. I have five bags of wood pellets handy plus some already in the stove but I refuse to run it until absolutely needed. Now if the house fly population will die off. Worst part of fall is the flies. They are so annoying.

Arrived safe and sound, now it's time to start figuring out who is who...

I've fixed the image on my PC so it's not sideways; however it won't upload correct. I'll take more later. 10 Barred rock, 6 red star, and one "rare exotic". To be honest, they move around too much in that little box to count. I know there are 6 red star, but half the time I count 10 black ones, sometimes 11, sometimes 8...when I get home and put them in the brooder we will know more.
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It would be a hike from Limington, but Fox Firearms (in Vassalboro) offers many different courses--and they are really flexible. I would imagine if you rounded up a couple people, they'd offer a shotgun course.
Given the avatar you have I think I am going to nominate you as possible instructor and us chicken folks can use the neighbor's range and pay you in copious amounts of eggs! ba ha ha ha Congrats on those chicks.

Only on a site like this do folks wait patiently for the poop photo!
What is the funniest part is ITS TRUE!
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