
Jazor her hatch mate looked just like her so I was praying it was a hen...nope he started crowing so he went to a friend.

I agree with LG. If she's not broody, she probably won't accept them. You might be able to encourage her to brood with a fake nest & golf balls or fake eggs. I'm just throwing it out there. Not sure if it would work!
Jazor, is your silkie hen/pullet broody??? Given their broody nature, it's remotely possible that she'd accept chicks, even though not confirmed broody, but I'm making an uneducated guess that it's not likely.
No she's not broody. I see time and time again how people rave about silkies being great for brooding and raising chicks, I was hoping to cash in on that. I still have a few weeks before I have any of the little buggers runnin around anyhow. I think the silkies too young to even bother going broody. I'd have to run it but widget but I can't imagine they silkies I have are much older than 20 weeks if that.
Not likely that she'd be in the mood to have little pests under her wings then, but just for grins and giggles, you could put half a dozen golf balls in one nest and leave them just to see if she feels the need to set on them.
She is around 6 months old. I got them as day olds the last week of July.

No she's not broody.  I see time and time again how people rave about silkies being great for brooding and raising chicks, I was hoping to cash in on that.  I still have a few weeks before I have any of the little buggers runnin around anyhow.  I think the silkies too young to even bother going broody.  I'd have to run it but widget but I can't imagine they silkies I have are much older than 20 weeks if that.
Not likely that she'd be in the mood to have little pests under her wings then, but just for grins and giggles, you could put half a dozen golf balls in one nest and leave them just to see if she feels the need to set on them.
Hmm maybe it's worth a try. Then again, maybe I'll just put her in the wabitat in the house with the black one who's foot/leg doesn't want to heal. They can be cellmates in the nice warm house.
We contemplated letting one of our geese hatch out, but felt like it was too cold yet so we kept taking the eggs. We're planning on letting her keep the goose and duck eggs starting in early march and we'll see what happens then.
Well, another chicken first in this house! A chicken has been in our bathtub. One of my BRs had a big clump of poop frozen in her back feathers. Poor thing kept trying to get it off, but it was not going to come. Warm paper towels didn't loosen it and since I was home by myself the easiest place to deal with it was our bath. She was so good... stayed right there while I cleaned her and then snuggled right into my lap while I blew her dry! She honestly appeared to enjoy the hair drier. The things we all do for our animals. :)

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