
Thanks, Mustard and Bucka. The night light seemed to work last night, so I'll keep with that for awhile.

They are certainly NOT fans of this rain. It was cute this morning... they excitedly headed out and promptly scurried right back into the coop!

Does anyone use sand as bedding? I have shavings currently, but in reading about how to improve drainage around my yard and coop, I came across some articles by people who emphatically feel sand is the best bedding. I can certainly see its merits, but am wondering if it would be too cold in the winter.
I use sand in the "Poop Deck" beneath my roosting bar and shavings in the coop. I want to convert to all sand as soon as I can pick up a few more bags. Sand is so easy to keep clean by scooping. I am curious to know how it is over winter. If it seems too cold, I will add shavings on top.
I have finally decided that I am doomed to never have the chicken breeds I really want. Welsummer, Salmon Faverolle, Icelandic and Saxony (duck) to be specific. Murphys Law always seems to make an appearance when I try to keep the breeds I like. Yet the mutt breeds and/or hatchery pet quality birds do quite well here. I guess the predators just prefer the quality ones.
. Not that I have lost any birds (knock on wood) recently but it is frustrating. So in the hopes that Murphy will be busy elsewhere for a while I now I have 17 new chicks in the brooder thanks to Cackle Hatchery. I ordered five bantam Cochins and ten Silkies. They sent 17 birds and all are happy and dry in the basement.

I do have a pair of Icelandics but they are definitely free ranging birds. They roam the yard at will and roost at night in the trees. So far they have avoided being taken but they are vulnerable. I would really like a friendly Welsummer roo or even a Salmon Faveolle roo. I just think they are really beautiful birds and Im sure they wouldnt turn up their beaks at the hens here even if the girls are nothing special. On the plus side the girls that are here should start laying soon and will be great egg layers. Three Tetra Tints and three Golden Comet pullets. And they are super friendly. The two older hens, a Salmon Faverolle and Buff Orp are great foragers and also friendly but are slowing down as far as eggs go.. So far the crazy turkeys are going strong but they are really good at getting out of the pen. The only birds that dont escape are the ducks and the two geese. And when I do let them out to play they are good birds and go right back in with a little bit of grain to encourage them.
I have finally decided that I am doomed to never have the chicken breeds I really want. Welsummer, Salmon Faverolle, Icelandic and Saxony (duck) to be specific. Murphys Law always seems to make an appearance when I try to keep the breeds I like. Yet the mutt breeds and/or hatchery pet quality birds do quite well here. I guess the predators just prefer the quality ones.
. Not that I have lost any birds (knock on wood) recently but it is frustrating. So in the hopes that Murphy will be busy elsewhere for a while I now I have 17 new chicks in the brooder thanks to Cackle Hatchery. I ordered five bantam Cochins and ten Silkies. They sent 17 birds and all are happy and dry in the basement.

I do have a pair of Icelandics but they are definitely free ranging birds. They roam the yard at will and roost at night in the trees. So far they have avoided being taken but they are vulnerable. I would really like a friendly Welsummer roo or even a Salmon Faveolle roo. I just think they are really beautiful birds and Im sure they wouldnt turn up their beaks at the hens here even if the girls are nothing special. On the plus side the girls that are here should start laying soon and will be great egg layers. Three Tetra Tints and three Golden Comet pullets. And they are super friendly. The two older hens, a Salmon Faverolle and Buff Orp are great foragers and also friendly but are slowing down as far as eggs go.. So far the crazy turkeys are going strong but they are really good at getting out of the pen. The only birds that dont escape are the ducks and the two geese. And when I do let them out to play they are good birds and go right back in with a little bit of grain to encourage them.
Hey Widget!! If this broody hen of mine actually hatches anything, I should have a few welsummers, I'm not trying to keep a bunch of extra birds through the winter, so maybe they could live with you ( if they actually come into existence!) ANd also, The welsummer roo we have is an absolute darling. We've been through 4 roosters, and he is the sweetest of them all. Pretty too!
Hey Widget!! If this broody hen of mine actually hatches anything, I should have a few welsummers, I'm not trying to keep a bunch of extra birds through the winter, so maybe they could live with you ( if they actually come into existence!) ANd also, The welsummer roo we have is an absolute darling. We've been through 4 roosters, and he is the sweetest of them all. Pretty too!

That would be great. Funny how so many people want Welsummers for their dark eggs and I want them for the looks of the rooster.
That would be great. Funny how so many people want Welsummers for their dark eggs and I want them for the looks of the rooster.

The welsummers I have don't lay a very dark egg. It's a beautiful interesting color...maybe I'd call it cinnamon? I was interested in the breed for several reasons, but one of the main reasons was for the temperament of the rooster. He's good to the ladies, and everyone else, he even tolerates being held!
Tried to post more pics but failed :( must be all the rain??? Let up enough to let our new chicks out ♡
so cute to see them cautiously checking out their new yard. They stayed very close. Didn't think I'd be head over heels with them this quickly!!! :)
I have an OE cockerel, about six mos now, who is all black and unwanted here. He is from an Am BCM cross. If anyone is interested he is free. Pm please.
I have a Black Silkie to offer and I'm looking for a mate for this guy. I will be a great pic. of Paris, hoping that someone might like ;~)
He needs a girlfriend! He's a sizzle so no sizzle's pls!
Welcome to the new people~
The geographic region is much more important than the map lines in many places. Unless you're going to school. hehe
Moving around the world those lines get blurry the closer you get to them, in many cases even the languages start to blend.

The Caribou move is looking quite expensive, rent is average of 600!!! That's crazy for a place so remote.
Maybe there's something I'm missing about the area. I know its very well known for productive famring so... maybe?
Still this may prove to be too expensive for me.

Also probably wont get the job anyway ;P

Have a great weekend everyone!
Had an interesting event happen recently:
Just interviewed for employment with the State of Maine~

I had given up on the applications I sent out a few months ago and reserved myself for a few years in Michigan, or maybe even back to China for employment, but out of nowhere I got a call and then did a distance interview for one of the state run programs.
The position would be way up in Caribou, but that's no different than the UP in Michigan to me. Honestly I bet there are many more people that far north compared to Michigan.

We'll see how everything turns out in a couple weeks, but its encouraging news to hear.

Anyone from up in Aroostook County have advice about living near Caribou? Cold hardiness advice?
Anything is good to know.

Just goes to show that once you finally move on to something else the wheels finally start turning.

Welcome to the new people~
The geographic region is much more important than the map lines in many places. Unless you're going to school. hehe
Moving around the world those lines get blurry the closer you get to them, in many cases even the languages start to blend.

The Caribou move is looking quite expensive, rent is average of 600!!! That's crazy for a place so remote.
Maybe there's something I'm missing about the area. I know its very well known for productive famring so... maybe?
Still this may prove to be too expensive for me.

Also probably wont get the job anyway ;P

Have a great weekend everyone!

I almost moved to Caribou when I first moved to Maine. I was in love with the fact that I could get 100+ acres for really cheap. I didn't look at renting, but 600$ honestly doesn't seem that bad, to me.

Edited to add there's a VA CBOC in Caribou.
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