
Broody hen. Just her head was peeking out:
That's funny. She isn't moving for anything. Lol
A question for all of you knowledgeable ladies. I got two hens a couple weeks ago. They are last springs chicks. I moved them into the main coop/run 5 days ago. This morning one was in a tizzy. Everyone when out to free range and she stayed behind. When I went to let the girls back in, I discovered she had pulled all the bedding from the nest boxes (which is in the raised coop) as well as the golf balls from said boxes and made herself a nest right in front of the run door. She was pecking at the girls trying to get in past her. I tried shooing her and she got really nasty. I resorted to tossing (gently) the seven hens over her and into the run. Later in the afternoon I went to refill the waterer. She quite viciously pecked my ankles as I scaled over her to get in.

Obviously she has gone broody. Is it odd that she'd go broody at a new place when she hasn't even laid (neither New girl has - the integration has been especially rough this time). Should I try taking her off the nest and onto the roost tonight and break down the nest she made? If I take away the golf balls will she try stealing the girls eggs? I'm shocked that she could get those golf balls down the 2' ladder, but I can't imagine the eggs would fair well.

Sometimes they just want to go broody no matter what. I had one that was so broody she'd "brood" on whatever I moved her to. Once it was the table in the garage. Just sat there like it was the best brooding venue on the planet with her imaginary eggs. She did not give up and ended up being broody about 16 weeks. I eventually let her hatch because she was so skeletal and I thought she was going to die. I have a few hens like that, they when they go broody now I just give them 2 eggs to hatch. It's easier than dealing with the broodiness. The rest of them give up after about 6-8 weeks and it's much more pleasant for all involved.
Not adding much to your story, except their little bird brains will tell them that certain things are a good idea when we know they're not. Like brooding in front of the door.
4days in and am just loving being a chicken owner. We let them roam a bit in the yard. Boy its challenging getting them back in!!! Lol!!! any tips???
4days in and am just loving being a chicken owner. We let them roam a bit in the yard. Boy its challenging getting them back in!!! Lol!!! any tips???
Free range in the evening. When it starts to get dark, they'll go back in on their own. OR invest in a really big net. Of 8, I only have 2 I can successfully catch.
Free range in the evening. When it starts to get dark, they'll go back in on their own. OR invest in a really big net. Of 8, I only have 2 I can successfully catch.
thanks!!!! I whistled today and they all stopped in their tracks and just watched me lol!!!! We finally got them in willingly with raisins. But I'm sure looked hysterical to anyone watching! !! :)
I take a bucket with some corn in it and shake it, then throw it in the run, they go right in, then I close the door. if I leave the coop door open at that time of night, they go right in after they have their corn.

thanks!!!! I whistled today and they all stopped in their tracks and just watched me lol!!!! We finally got them in willingly with raisins. But I'm sure looked hysterical to anyone watching! !!
4days in and am just loving being a chicken owner. We let them roam a bit in the yard. Boy its challenging getting them back in!!! Lol!!! any tips???

I just shake a scoop of grain and most of them go right in. I feel like the Pied Piper the way they follow along behind.
Of course there always has to be one or two who miss the door and I have to herd them in but it only takes a couple minutes.

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