
My cats have made an uneasy peace with the chickens, so, I'm able to let them out for a bit of free range time. So far, just a few minutes here and there. I'm having a lot of fun listening to their communication. At what age do the roosters start taking care of the ladies? (sharing their goodies?) Several of my roos make "yummy" sounds when they find something good, but aren't ready to share. One sounded an alarm when he heard a dog bark, and every one beat feet into the coop except for one knuckle head Dom. The attempts at crowing are pathetic at best, not yet annoyingly loud.

I have the neatest gray tree toad living on my deck steps. He's about 2" long, bumpy skin, but not dry like the typical brown toads. His mottling makes him look like a clump of gray Lichen. We found one of the same species last summer hanging out at camp about 20' up in a bird house. He spent the whole weekend sitting in the door port of the bird house.
Great chick pics Ash!

I already planted my corn.....maybe a first timer mistake but it is treated so I am hoping it will be fine with the warmer soil temps. I have peas. spinach more brocolli cabbage, onions calendula and beets coming up :) Carrots not doing so well. I was scared for a frost last night so I was out late after work with my head lamp on putting tarps everywhere...what do you know, it didnt frost! phew.

Thank you again on the painting compliments. It is a fun side hobby to have now that I am not making a career out of art I have much more fun doing it!

Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only person who might be seen out at night with headlamp and tarps!
28 degrees here last night, and another cold one expected tonight.

I'm also glad I'm not the only one with giant holes all over the lawn. I'm going to try and fill some of them in. My sister will visit this summer and she has a really bad knee.

As far as waterers, I was always getting frustrated with ones that leak, or that the lid always stuck shut on, or that grew slime in places I could not adequately reach, or even some I can barely lift. So now all my waterers are large plastic bowls, - those black rubber ones they sell at TSC. I put them up on cinder blocks to keep the water cleaner. They are so easy to clean out and fill, and cheap enough that I have plenty on hand.
try this link instead, that other one only takes you to the event not the forms.
when you see the form, click on it and print it out.

Might be helpful if i actually posted the link, huh?

I went to this site and don't see the link for the show registration. I am not much of a FB user so... tutorial for the FB disabled please?
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Speaking of roosters, I'm really liking the one I ended up with, "Fuzzy Feet." He is so fun to watch! He seems to really have his work cut out getting "his girls" in line. I also noticed that he doesn't share the good food/treats very well, yet. Since I do really like this guy, but we aren't supposed to have them here in Brewer, what are the chances he won't crow? (A lady said that to me.) Does anyone know how loud/annoying Dark Brahma roosters can be?
you might know both of them.

I feel like I recognize the lady in this picture
so those tracks out in the backyard were not cat tracks or fisher tracks, they belong to a fox who daringly was out about 7:00pm right behind my coop. thankfully the chickens had already been locked up for the evening.
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Nice BR's CoopChick! I really like the looks of that breed. Very eye catching!
Thank you Dita. The BR's were on the "Wish List" when I started this venture. Unfortunately, I can't keep the roo.
I've already got one who is a very good provider even if he has flown at a few family members, me & the dogs. He's just doing his job! Plus we live "in town" so I don't want to be THAT neighbor with the 2 roosters 3 I was a few days ago
so my DH tells me except it was only the dominant one. I had all the windows open in the coop because it was so warm in there. DH said it woke him up because we also had the bedroom windows open. I didn't hear him but I am losing my hearing in one ear sooo....anywho.

It's so cool to see the babies! I wonder what made the mostly black chicken???
I've been trying to figure that one out too. I posted her on the Unknown Breed thread. Most of the answers I got were Black Australorpe or possibly a Black Star cross. She's a funny bird always wanting to come into the people door of the coop instead of the chicken door--the EE does this too. Chipmunk, the EE, is the only one of the kids who will eat from my hand besides the Silkies.

so those tracks out in the backyard were not cat tracks or fisher tracks, they belong to a fox who darningly was out about 7:00pm right behind my coop. thankfully the chickens had already been locked up for the evening.
Yikes!! Glad everyone was locked up already!!

My Sizzles are co-sitting on a clutch of 10 eggs. So funny to watch them steal the other's eggs when she gets up for her daily constitutional & dinner break!
The chance your rooster will crow = 100%.

I had one that barely crowed, maybe a few times a day, but he still crowed.

My roosters are about 10 weeks old in the tractor and they're already trying to "woo" the ladies with food snacks. I need to move the remaining few girls out of there soon and into the big girl coop before it gets too dangerous in there.
Thank you Dita. The BR's were on the "Wish List" when I started this venture. Unfortunately, I can't keep the roo.
I've already got one who is a very good provider even if he has flown at a few family members, me & the dogs. He's just doing his job! Plus we live "in town" so I don't want to be THAT neighbor with the 2 roosters 3 I was a few days ago
so my DH tells me except it was only the dominant one. I had all the windows open in the coop because it was so warm in there. DH said it woke him up because we also had the bedroom windows open. I didn't hear him but I am losing my hearing in one ear sooo....anywho.

I've been trying to figure that one out too. I posted her on the Unknown Breed thread. Most of the answers I got were Black Australorpe or possibly a Black Star cross. She's a funny bird always wanting to come into the people door of the coop instead of the chicken door--the EE does this too. Chipmunk, the EE, is the only one of the kids who will eat from my hand besides the Silkies.

Yikes!! Glad everyone was locked up already!!

My Sizzles are co-sitting on a clutch of 10 eggs. So funny to watch them steal the other's eggs when she gets up for her daily constitutional & dinner break!
So, the Black one could possibly "ee" BR cross, A white rock BR cross, or maybe an orpington BR cross...??!?!
Well, it looks like I have a predator problem. 3 of my chickens suddenly went missing. (Probably a fox) But, I do have 23 shipped eggs, 15 eggs from my flock, and 4 Muscovy eggs from my girl, in the incubator. No, I am not keeping them. I had a few people order chicks, and I couldn't part with any of mine. However, if any of the Jersey Giants hatch, they're staying.

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