Major attack - is this a bear?

A sow with cubs can be very dangerous. Please be careful.

I had a sow and cub at my birdfeeder one year. She was a fairly big one too. The feeder was 3 feet from the corner of my deck and about 7 feet from the picture window for the dining room. When I saw the bear out there, I grabbed a pot and a big spoon off the kitchen counter, went to the front door and started banging on the pot. They started to leave and when they were 1/2 way across the front yard, I got brave and yelled "And stay away!" That sow swung around 180 and started to charge the house! I really started banging on that pot again!! She turned and they crossed the road and went into the woods. They came back that night, then I got smart and pulled the birdfeeder at night.

This is the little guy that comes visiting my grapes. Short side of the hole in the fence is 50”. From my neighbors trail camera. My property corner is just to the right of this picture.
Yup, small black bear and trust me they will come back! We have to finish our electric fence up too. We still have lots of salmon in the creeks to keep them happy but we are close to a creek where the salmon are going up to spawn now. Soon they will be all gone and then the brown bear will be looking to fatten up before they den up for the winter
We have been so lucky so far!🙄😬Take care
Since you have an idea where they are bedding you’d do well to fire off a few rounds to try and encourage them to leave. I’d carry a pistol since there is cubs involved. They’ll only get braver.

Um, be careful with that idea. I'm especially concerned about the pistol suggestion--unless it will KILL a bear, you are safer not using it at all. An injured bear, or a mother whose baby just got injured, is very dangerous.
Scratches probably four feet off the ground, going higher where it got in. Will see if I can get a game camera and set it up to see if it comes back. Really not much else I can do, other than repair the hole... Will order an electric fence, hopefully it arrives before the bear returns. Then I just need to find some more chickens!
Make sure you get a powerful enough fence charger so the bear knows the wires are there. If it isn't that powerful it will be more like a bee sting. Bears have pretty thick hides so baiting the wire is good to get it to touch the wire with it's more sensitive parts like the nose, lips and tongue. My fence charger is 1.2 joules and puts out around 10,000 volts. It makes my heart skip a few beats when I have accidentally touched the wire and I only have two feet with shoes on. Most predators have four so a better ground. Good luck...
I agree with this as I stated above. Bacon wrapped around the wire works well or peanut butter on the wire. Again, good luck...

Please don't bait your fence..

I just don't understand this. Why in hell would I bait my fence? Last thing I want is to entice any predator to my coop. That bear is going to be smelling everything if it comes back. It will touch the hotwire. Putting bait on your fence is a foolish idea.

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