Major's Leap Day 2024 Hatch-A-Long


Gentleman Farmer
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 10, 2012
Central, Mississippi
My Coop
My Coop
I will be setting 41 eggs on February 29 to test the fertility of my new breeding flock. This flock consists of 2 nine month old SLW cockerels and 14 five month old GLW pullets. So in this hatch the female chicks will be straight SLW, but the male chicks will be split for gold but look mostly silver. I'm assuming that the two cockerels I have are homozygous for silver and not split for gold. If I'm wrong, this hatch should let me know by giving me some GLW chicks.

I will use my Genesis Hova-Bator for this hatch with an automatic turner. I will candle on March 9 to remove any clears or quitters and then I'll leave for a cruise March 10-16. (Spring Break trip for my school teacher wife) Lock-down will be March 18 and hatching on March 21.

Anybody is welcome to join this "Leap Day" hatch with me. This is not my first time incubating eggs but it is my first time posting a hatch-a-long.

Edit to add: I just saw the thread about the Easter Hatch-a-long and I see that my dates will overlap with that one so I understand that there may not be anybody setting eggs with me and I'm ok with that. You are still welcome to follow along on my hatch.
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Did you want us to pick an egg to cheer on or just cheer them all! 😊
No, I don't name any of my chickens and I don't even try to remember the numbers on their leg bands.
I mainly just wanted to share my hatch and the resulting chicks because I can't really talk to my wife about it because she really, really, hates my chickens. (Especially the roosters)
I have eggs I am setting today. They will be due on March 12. I was not going to set, but then I realized we will not go anywhere on Easter, so I have the time.

These are from a local farm. I stopped by a feed store fridge I usually by them from. The fridge was empty. The feed store guy said the guy who drops off eggs didn't come in yet, and was due anytime, his name is Paul and has a yellow truck. I drove down the road, (1/4 mile, I was thinking he was a house about 1/2 mile away.) I was wrong about where they came from, but on the way I saw a yellow truck at a coffee shop that was a 1/4 mile down the road, and went in side, I saw a man holding egg carton, and asked if he sells eggs. The man holding the eggs pulled away from me as if, you are not getting these eggs. (Mine!) A different man standing there said, "I sell the eggs." I followed him back to the feed store, he let me pick the prettiest eggs to set, and said he may want to talk to me for hatched chicks. $5 a carton. When candled I removed 2 eggs. These are fresh-fresh fresh! I didn't ask how many hens he had but I know he had about 4 roosters.
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I have eggs I am setting today. They will be due on March 12.
That's great! Back when I was just keeping a mixed flock I did a similar hatch. I called several 'farm fresh egg' ads from the 'Market Bulletin' and asked them all if they had roosters in with their hens. I bought two dozen from the first one that said yes. Those 'barnyard mix' chicks were very healthy and grew into good layers.
Wow, nearly 20% clears. New layers?
Yep, these Wyandotte pullets just started laying in early January this year. I'm getting the big cabinet incubator out next week to set some more eggs from all four of my pens. Hopefully I will get a better fertility rate with the next hatch.
This morning I put my eggs in lockdown. I'm trying something different this time. I put the eggs in little berry baskets to see if I can use this method in the future to keep breeds separated in the hatcher. This time it won't matter because they are all the same breed so if it doesn't work then I can try a different method next time.



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