Making a Chain-link Chicken Run Look Attractive

I have used a dog run pen as a run and am decorating it with a barn star, old wire baskets and starting vines, morning glory up one side. I'll post pics when it's finished. Also did a sitting area just outside with an old metal glider, lawn flag, swing etc.
Of all the things in my garden that the chickens WON'T eat is English Ivy (Hedera). Nice dark green, climbs, withstands some foot traffic.
Good luck!
I agree with the painting idea but spray painting chain link is difficult & wastes paint. You have to go over it from at least two directions, & from both sides to get full coverage and as you'd imagine you're painting mostly air

The easiest, most cost effective way to paint chain link is with a long nap roller.

Best of luck and post picts when you're done!
I have bougainvillea growing over my coop- I don't have chain link because I agree it is quite ugly, but the bougainvillea makes everything prettier. The chickens do eat it, but my girls are all alive and healthy and they eat it everyday, and there is no added taste to the eggs. So you could try to plant some. It is sensitive to transplanting though, so it may take a while before it gets going.
I'm using a dog kennel for a run and had some used bamboo reed fence rolls. I like the way they look, and they give nice shade too!
Grape vines are pretty and not toxic as far as I know. My birds eat some, but leave it alone for the most part so it covers the fence and adds shade. They love the grapes that drop too.
We have wild grapevines that grow really fast here. Never actually saw any grapes but it sure was pretty and had covered 30 feet of our 4' high chainlink in about 3 years.

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