Making a Roo-Box


6 Years
May 17, 2014
I have a bully Roo who I can't let mingle with the ladies unless they are free ranging. This has created a need for an additional space for him. I had been keeping him in the coop while the ladies were in the run & vice-versa but it's getting colder at night so I need to construct some sort of shelter for him at night when he is out in the run. I also feel bad that he is "cooped" (get it? haha) up in the coop all day instead of being outside.

I got a small dog crate that fits in the run but now I need to "wrap" it or cover it in something. Nothing fabric will work since the ladies will be able to climb atop it when in the run and I don't want to be cleaning poop off of it every day.

My run design protects fine from predators but a wire dog crate will offer no protection from the elements. Any suggestions on what will be easy to clean & will protect him form the wind/cold? I was thinking along the lines of plywood cut to size to attach to the outside of the crate.

Anyone else have a Roo-Box?
I know it sounds tacky, but I use recycled poly feed bags. Just open them at the seams and cut to size then zip tie them to the cage. If the cover gets nasty, hose it off or replace it!
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This is the setup: I am now thinking along the same lines as you now! Man is he mad that he can see them but not get to them. I think the hens are getting a great kick out of arranging on top of the crate as well!


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