Making BSLs with an Australorp Roo > Barred Rock hens...

Dread Pirate Roberts

11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
I wonder if these would be born with black legs/feet.

Will they be distinguishable from purebred Black if I hatch a mixed batch of these BSLs along with purebred BA's, will I be able to tell which is which? Of course, the baby roosters will be obvious, but what about the two different breeds of girls?
Not sure about the leg color but I would imagine there would be very little, if any, difference in the BSL pullets and the pure BAs.
I am curious about this as well, I have two barred rocks and 6 ba's in together with the ba roo, I know I'll be able to pick out the roos but I guess I'll have to wait to see what the girls looking like? Any chance somebody has BSL pictures from a ba and a barred rock?

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