Making run more entertaining

The run is looking good. I like WhiteWyan's ideas. A deeper tub filled with sand would make a good dust bath, and they do love to play around with alfalfa hay.

Putting things for them to hide behind or explore is always something they enjoy. Even weighted down cardboard boxes will do the trick on a temporary basis. Some chickens enjoy toys like balls, and just about all of them like to play with a head of cabbage suspended from the ceiling to a height just above their heads. It's good exercise for them.
Great ideas that I will employ. Where do you get aflafa hay or do you just grow it?
Really like that run; clean spacious, etc.:bowWell made!

To make it more entertaining you could add hanging old CD's or a mirror for them to look at, although your chickens may not like the mirror; mine absolutely hated it;)

I had to laugh...I tried hanging a mirror in the run one time. Every time my EE walked past it, the mirror freaked her out. A mirror in the run didn't last long at my place.:gig
Someone on BYC posted a single pole floor to ceiling in the run and it had multiple perches of it at different heights and roosting pads. A chicken swing is fun and good exercise as well.

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