Male button quail for sale in KY


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I have 4 extra males that need to go! The colors I have are cinnamon blueface, redbreasted, 'normal' wild, silver and ivory. Asking $3 each
All I have are males right now, and I have no idea how to ship them! I only have 6 females, so I need to keep those.

I could send you some eggs though, if you have an incubator?
I believe I have already sent you eggs silly! Pretty sure they went out yesterday (Thursday).
XD lol oh yeah, that was YOU!

im trying to get breeding stock from different people and different places to avoid inbreeding as much as possible XD
sorry bout that! Im way excited btw! i have some from AK_Button_Mama that are going to hatch on the 27th, and some A&M coturnix due on april 1.

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