male ducklings

honestly if my mom would let me i would definitely go with muscovies! i do not intend to be offensive in any shape or form to any muscovy duck oners, but my mom says they scare her because of how they look so she wouldnt let me get them
again do not mean to offend anyone, i think they are lovely ducks

The girls don't have the large carnicles like the drakes do. And they are very quiet. see this is an adult female Muscovy

and she is a very very very pretty girl, I think I like her coloring as much as the pattern of her caruncles
I have 2 Pekin males and they love each other so much I'm praying the one male is a girl. I still don't see the drake feather yet:)
If I can start over again, I would have just taken the males and left the females to my friend. If its all males, they won't fight or run away. If you have a pair, my goodness, good luck because they will leave you if they can fly.
One of the main reason I would choose females is first when mating season starts up, my poor girls are always having to mate, I feel sorry for them I have 7 girls and 2 drakes and when one finishes with one the other seems to grab her. I know it's only natural but I just feel the girls would like a little break now and again, so I will put the boys to bed a little early and let the girls just be girls, dig in the mud and swim in the pool with out having to worry about a boy getting in an messing with them. I think they like it. This is about once a week. Since I don't sell my ducks or eat them, I think if I have a choice next time around with ducks I'll only have girls.

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