Male or female


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2015
Hi I am recently new to Guineas and have a pair of them that are about 2 or 3 months and what we thought was a male because he was doing the cha cha sound is now making the buck wheat sound too! I am super confused I will try posting a video you can hear for yourself.Any advice for telling if it's a male or a female thanks!
If it's making the buckwheat sound, it's female. Regardless of wattles/helmet size. I've had males with tiny wattles and females with huge ones, they vary by bird. The best way to sex guineas is by behavior (males trot and stand tall) and sound.
Yes, the buckwheat is the definitive indicator. While only the females will "buck-wheat" (or, per-quack, as my friend says), both sexes will sound off the chi-chi-chi.
Sorry to confuse you guys but I've had a male who buckwheated. Females generally buckwheat before they make the Cha Cha Cha noise. Females generally only make the Cha Cha Cha noise when there is something scary or weird to investigate. But there are always exceptions. Can you post a pic? And is the other one a male or a female? If they're both males the less dominant one may try to be a girl for the other one. Or if ones a female the male may copy her. Or your confused Guinea may be a girl! My bets he's a boy if he Cha Cha Chad first, due to my experience with Summer. But he didn't buckwheat until he was 5 months old. Sorry if I'm no help.
We don't know what the gender is of the other Guinea we haven't heard it do any sounds except when it's eating sometimes it will make kind of a "bedu" sound I will try and post pictures of them tommorw thanks!
Actually at 2 or 3 months a picture may not be any use. Sorry. You may not know for sure what they are until next spring. Sounds like the other guy is a boy, and not sure about the one that buckwheated.
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