male or female


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 10, 2007
Dinwiddie Virginia
how do you tell a male chick from a female chick?

I only have females that I bought from the local feed store, well, I think theyre all females. I don't have any males to compare them to. I don't think it would be as easy or obvious to determine the sex of a young chick compared to a dog or cat.

Any pictures showing what to look for?
How old are the chicks? As day olds they are usually vent or feather sexed if they are bred for that purpose. With sexing, you have about a 10% chance of a boy when you order girls. Secondary sex characteristics such as reddening of combs and larger body size will start to show at about 6 weeks and be very apparent by 3-4 months old when they start to spur and learn they are male.

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