Male or Female


6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
Breckenridge Tx
Do all rosters get spurs, We have our first chicks have not a clue , what sex they are . we got a lot more than we ordered so i think they gave us rosters for shiping . Or if any idea on how to tell sex
If they are 3 days or younger you can pull out the wing and if the primary feathers look like needles it's a male. If the feathers look like needles with feathers sticking out it's a female
I found that out a week to late. they are 3 weeks old . i think i will just half to let them grow up , that's why the question about spurs . or if anyone knows another way, i read something about sadlel feathers ( not sure what that is ) saddle goes on a horse.. i don't mind letting the grow up, i will eat them just don't want more than one . Thank you for your answer. this is my first run with chickens .
Rooster spurs don't typically come in until they're nearly mature (for some breeds that can take more than a year). The saddles (feathers at the base of tail) and hackles (feathers on the neck) will tell you the sex of your birds well before spurs will. On males, these feathers will appear long and stringy. On females, they will be short and round. You can also look at combs and wattles (head gear), feather patterns and color and occasionally behavior to tell gender. However, having said all that, at 3 weeks old your chickens are probably still too young for any of those indicators. Give them some time. I've come to find that once they start pointing one way or another, these things are very obvious. Good luck!
Nikki thamk you , i have found some info on feathers and some pics that will help. this form is blessing.

At 5-8 weeks you can post photos on here and we can help you sex them

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