MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!


Swimming and dabbling in the drainage ditch of the garden 13 days ago

Getting a drink this morning

Swimming in their pool in their new run shared with Ralphie and Ann

Eating floating fish sticks out of my hand

"Any more between your fingers?"

Getting more?

I'm trying to figure out how old they are. I was hoping pics would show feather development and help guess age. Voices are starting to change. 1 of them quacks when she gets excited or scared (though now that I'm not getting them out of the brooder 1-2 times a day for baths or foraging I have no clue which one is doing it anymore). They are now living in the garden coop and run with Ralphie and my Cornish X Ann. They don't bother the ducks and the ducks don't bother them. Initially one of the ducks ran up to Ann and nuzzled her trying to scare her off... didn't work lol. She just looked at it like whatever. She's too big to care.
Awww! They're so cute!

My 2 males started to make more of a rasping noise as they got older, and my 4 females made more of a clear quacking.
These are some pictures of my mallards:

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This are my babies, 2 goslings, 5 ducklings, 2 pheasants and 1 partridge. I take them all for a walk and they follow me, I'm a mother bird!!!


Swimming and dabbling in the drainage ditch of the garden 13 days ago

Getting a drink this morning

Swimming in their pool in their new run shared with Ralphie and Ann

Eating floating fish sticks out of my hand

"Any more between your fingers?"

Getting more?

I'm trying to figure out how old they are. I was hoping pics would show feather development and help guess age. Voices are starting to change. 1 of them quacks when she gets excited or scared (though now that I'm not getting them out of the brooder 1-2 times a day for baths or foraging I have no clue which one is doing it anymore). They are now living in the garden coop and run with Ralphie and my Cornish X Ann. They don't bother the ducks and the ducks don't bother them. Initially one of the ducks ran up to Ann and nuzzled her trying to scare her off... didn't work lol. She just looked at it like whatever. She's too big to care.
I'd say between 4 to 6 weeks based on plumage.
Thanks Prinette. That would probably be 6 weeks then, we've had them for 5 weeks and they were someone's easter gift to their kids but didn't want to deal with them.
The blue wing feathers (can't remember the name for the life of me) should be coming in really soon if they are 6 weeks. They will pretty little things then!
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