mallards?? I think..Pix added

The other two are hatched from the Jan swap. Eggs came from Jenlynn (I think). I don't know what they are. But they're perty. Both boys...
I have mallard ducks too, they are 11 weeks old now, and I got them from TSC. They are starting to fly around my yard and my fear too is that they will fly off. They never go far now as they don't really fully fly yet. But I've been considering clipping their wings. I kept parrots for ages, so wing clipping is nothing new to me, but I just haven't decided yet whether I want to do that yet. We do occasionally see herons and geese go overhead, and I don't want my babies to disappear one day. I'm going to be setting up a coop just for them soon as they are in with my chickens right now and everyone comes out to free range together until I get the kennel for the chicken coop too. One step at time though. I believe I have a male and a female but I base that on the fact that only one quacks, and the other is relatively quiet, unless separated from one another. One is larger and nicer, and the smaller one is a little witch. But I still love her. Their beaks and feet look similar though, so I don't know. I'm ok if I have two hens, but I sure hope I don't have two drakes. My neighbor's across the street have a crested duck that was hatched and raised with chickens, thinks he's a chicken, acts like one (won't step foot in water, how about that?) and he also tries to mount the chickens and breed with them. I don't want my ducks doing that to my poor chickens since most of mine are banties! Yikes! Just the though of their poor backs and feathers! Good luck with your babies though.
When I got these little ducks from TSC I also got 3 asst red chicks. They all traveled home in the same box. I tried to get the chicks to join the mama hen and her babies of the same age, but no go. They thought (and still do) that they are ducks. Unfortunately one drowned in a bucket of water, but the other two still follow the ducks everywhere.
Well your green headed one is a Domestic Bibbed Mallard I believe, Ill post a picture of mine. Not many People have those, ive only seen someone with a Domestic bibbed call before
Glad Im not alone!

The other looks like my Mallard x Buff, but is more than likely a khaki campbell. < dont take my word on that though, its just that alot of people think that is what my mutt is.
As far as feed you mean?
Mine eat multi-flock game feed but when they were babies ate chick/duck starter..They eat any bugs,worms,and greens,like frozen peas,Kale,romaine all grass..

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