Malnourished Rhode Island Red

Greetings from, Kansas, Ozzey, and :welcome. Happy you joined us but sorry to hear about your sick chicken. My best advice is to post here Maybe someone will chime in with an idea of what's going on. If you see this in your other birds you may have real issues. Is there a way to quarantine the ill one away from the others?
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Hi and welcome to BYC. I hope that the ER experts will be able to help you out.

All the best
Welcome to Backyard chickens Ozzey Osbournel!! I hope you enjoy it and the camaraderie here and everybody that goes nuts over chickens (me being one of them....) Have fun! And ask questions! I hope you can get some good advice about you sick chicken! Sick chickens are no fun to watch and always sad.:hugs
Sad to say my favorite hen died. I found her in the coop dead during my lunch break today.
Still not sure what was wrong with her. Started treating for worms yesterday, but I waited too late. Still not sure if that was even the right treatment but was advised by a reputable feed store. The other hens show no signs of illness. Thank you for your replies.
Feel free to advise about the other hens.

So sorry about the loss
I have lost 3 of my small flock and know it is difficult to lose even one.

IMO there are so many problems they may have, and for most there is not a lot we or even a vet could do to intervene and save them.

I would watch the others closely to make sure they look bright, healthy and are eating and pooping normally. Likely the one you lost was just a genetic/internal problem.
So sorry to hear you lost your hen. Was she ailing for a long time or did this come on suddenly? Any chance the other hens were bossing her away from food and water? Chickens are notorious for doing that. Leaving the "victim." to starve.

I've heard that RIR's are an aggressive breed/ I personally have no experience with them.
How do I clean the chicken coop after I think my youngest hen died from oocyst?
Bleach and water? It sits on pavers. Also, squirrels get in the cool after their feed.
Should this be a concern? I thought about adding apple cider vinegar to their water to prevent the others from infection. Any advice?

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