Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

I have two brooders going with MHPs in both. It's been 80+ and humid in the house and the 1 wk and 2 wk olds have not slept under it for several nights and I've had it turned off for almost as long bc they were just sleeping spread out around the brooder. My 1 day olds are in the other one and I just have theirs turned on 2. They go under and sleep, not all huddled up, so I'm assuming that means it's a good temp. Should I just take out the MHP from the older ones and put a couple low roosts? Or ? Advice please.
random threads of fishing line stretched over the yard is what some use here.... But thats only for the run or the yard. The raptors can see them but dont have time to figure their way through.

I have them all from Golden Eagles to Peregrine Falcons.... Barn Owls to Ground Owls. Best thing is to invite Ravens to nest in your area.... they defend their territory and harrass the Raptors till they give up. Ravens Will steal eggs though.... But i put a bucket of extra eggs on the roof of the coop for them.

My plan is to net the whole yard. I cannot free range the four footed predators are killers, at least Until I can get a livestock guardian dog.

You can look at it that way or you can view it from another perspective. Most of the people on this thread are here to help others, not hurt them. Friends flatter and tell you what you really want to hear, but the really good friends care enough about you and the situation to tell the truth.

The truth of the matter is that many of us have had or seen sickly, deformed or just genetically problematic chicks that the flock has very correctly tried to eliminate for some reason....sometimes we can see the reason and sometimes we cannot. From a human aspect it may look very cruel but I've found that the flock is almost always right and they sense or see something we cannot.

It may seem heroic or compassionate to try and save a chick with problems and sometimes it actually works....but mostly it ends sadly and all the while the poor bird lives at a constant disadvantage within the flock. Folks with experience in such things will often try to throw up a red flag of warning to those who may not have been there or done that so they can spare the person~but mostly the animal~from distress. While these truths may seem hurtful at the time, in the end you may look back and see how helpful some were trying to be. No one here likes to hurt people but sometimes the truth must be spoken and the truth sometimes is a hurtful thing.

I've been in a position to tell friends the hurtful truth on this forum....some even on this very thread. At the time I could tell it might have been somewhat hurtful for them to hear and there was a lot of resistance to the helpful advice, but in the end and in retrospect, I'm sure they might now see the wisdom of that advice.

No one is trying to be a hero here.

First of all we dont know if the flock attacked the chick. I really do not believe that anything was wrong with her before she was attacked. I had about a week to watch all 7 chicks to make sure they were all doing well with mama and everything seemed normal.The squirrel may of attacked her. Her Mama did not reject or attack her. I had to take her away from mama because I had to tend to her wounds. When I did try and return her to mama I noticed that she was not able to keep up with the others and stay under mama enough so I made the decision to remove her and raise her under mama heat pad. That is when I posted here in hopes of helping someone else that wanted to try and use the mhp for a disabled chick. I was not looking for someone to decide if she was worth the effort or not. Maybe we see things different here because my chickens are pets with benefits not just livestock.

You say you are trying to save a animal from distress by making the decision to end their life? Just like people animals can often lead a better life with a disability.I am not saying anyone would choose it but sometimes we are not given a choice are we? You can develop some stronger senses to make up for the one taken away. There are plenty of animals that live just fine with huge disabilities.You stated that you questioned the quality of life a blind chick would have. I looked it up and they can have a great quality of life. Which my chick has right now. She is doing fantastic. As for her fitting in with the flock, I am sure things will work out. I have a a lot of room here and will find some way for her to fit in.
I am not trying to be disrespectful but people with wisdom surely know that all things are possible.

We got the chicks from Meyer today, all arrived alive and in good shape. They took to eating pretty fast and didn't seem to interested in the heating pad at first. I started it on 5 but because of the weather here I turned it down to 4. They love it now, run under for a while then back out to eat or jump off the top. Now we are just waiting for the quail to hatch this weekend, they will go in the brooder next door.


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I have two brooders going with MHPs in both. It's been 80+ and humid in the house and the 1 wk and 2 wk olds have not slept under it for several nights and I've had it turned off for almost as long bc they were just sleeping spread out around the brooder. My 1 day olds are in the other one and I just have theirs turned on 2. They go under and sleep, not all huddled up, so I'm assuming that means it's a good temp. Should I just take out the MHP from the older ones and put a couple low roosts? Or ? Advice please.


Lol anyone? I think I'm removing the MHP tmrw and putting a couple roosts up. They have a small one now but only room for 3. The 2-2 week olds were practicing flying today all over their crate/brooder, so I think they'd love a roost.

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