Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE


My new chicks in the brooder!

What a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing. I do have two quick questions:

About what size is the chick cave?

and how many chicks did you have?

Thank you again! Can't wait to give it a try!
Well, the total size of the cave depends on what size pad you use. I use two sizes...a small and a large. Can't remember the precise size on the small but the large pad is 12x24. I use the small one when I have brand new chicks either out of the incubator or just received and keep them in the house for the first 24 hours or so. I want to make sure they are eating, drinking, and know where the heat is before I put them in the outside brooder. I don't do anything elaborate for the inside temporary brooder - just some paper towels on the bottom, the frame with the heating pad, a small feeder and nipple waterer.

So size just depends on how big your heating pad is and what size frame you make. As for how many chicks, I've raised 15 under the large one very easily. They aren't under it as long as you'd a week old they are snoozing on top and by 4-5 weeks they don't even need the heat anymore.
My hens love going thru the chicks litter that I dump in the yard too! Any little snack they can find!

Thank you both for this wonderful idea! I am chagrined to say that while I compost my adult chicken bedding, I throw out the chick brooder bedding because there is so much spilled food there and I already have enough of a rodent and raccoon problem and don't want to make things worse by putting that in the pile. But you're right, I should give it to the grown ups!!!! I think it's too late to get the benefit this year, but I'm totally doing this in subsequent years!!!
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Thank you both for this wonderful idea! I am chagrined to say that while I compost my adult chicken bedding, I throw out the chick brooder bedding because there is so much spilled food there and I already have enough of a rodent and raccoon problem and don't want to make things worse by putting that in the pile. But you're right, I should give it to the grown ups!!!! I think it's too late to get the benefit this year, but I'm totally doing this in subsequent years!!! :thumbsup  

I place my feed in one of these things in the brooder box and take it out to the tractor after they've pecked around for awhile. Have not had issues with wasted feed. Maybe it'll work for you too. Less shavings in this one vs that circular feeder.

Post-use update.
After they chose sleeping on the roost at 40F, I just took the MHP out. Brahma girl still has some pins but if her flock is keeping her warm enough just cuddling side-by-side, who am I to argue?


My scraps-to-brooder frame. The pad goes in between the thicker wire structural frame and the hardware cloth top and then there are a couple little wire hooks I made that held it shut tightly.

So tightly, in fact, that the pad shows where the wires were.

I had the pad & frame inside the blue cover it comes with, just the feet and cord coming out. It was slipstitched shut but easily reopened with a pair of scissors.

Everything inside that cover was coated in feather dust but a rinse left it reasonably clean. The cover is in the wash before going into storage but it was in good shape aside from being dusty and can definitely be reused. The press&seal adhered so firmly to the diaper cover that it was a bit of a struggle to remove but it did all come off. The diaper was almost pristine underneath (toenail holes allowed a small amount of dirt and moisture through when I wiped it down). It will be suitable for reuse after washing, too.

The only thing I'd change is skipping the duct tape on the feet (unnecessary) and getting a decent pair of cutters so I can tidy the framework. I had to use a hacksaw for lack of decent cutters. But, ugly as it is, it performed flawlessly.
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Actually, I get MORE wasted and spilled feed with those, I've stopped using them. The best it's gotten is to suspend a hanging feeder form the top of the brooder and raise it bit by bit. I still have some spills, but it's not as bad. But still some...
Yep ..... but its ME that spills it all getting the dang things open and shut to fill then skipping trying to open them and trying to fill through the holes.....

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