Mama squashed babies


Apr 5, 2021
Descanso, CA
I used a broody hen to hatch out some Guinea keets. I breed and sell them. This is the 1st time I've used a hen to hatch out keets and unfortunately she squashed 2 of them. One is gone and the other has splayed legs. The poor thing is almost flat against the ground. I took that keet away from mama and I'm going to treat it. Any advice on the best way to do that would be helpful. As far as taking the rest of the kids away from mama, how do I go about doing that? Thanks in advance for any advice!
I used a broody hen to hatch out some Guinea keets. I breed and sell them. This is the 1st time I've used a hen to hatch out keets and unfortunately she squashed 2 of them. One is gone and the other has splayed legs. The poor thing is almost flat against the ground. I took that keet away from mama and I'm going to treat it. Any advice on the best way to do that would be helpful. As far as taking the rest of the kids away from mama, how do I go about doing that? Thanks in advance for any advice!
You can use vetwrap to keep her legs at a normal distance apart.
Here’s pics I found..
That's what I decided to do. Now when she wants to walk she ends up running. It's so freaking cute. She's still adjusting but doing so much better. I'm going to change the wrap and make it a little tighter this evening. Now I just have to figure out how to get momma to stop trying to get to her babies.

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