Managing flock turn over


And we have another broody Australop.
I only have 9 Austrolops so not sure its worth going through the hassle of selling and then purchasing chicks. I would be more comfortable hatching our own as we really like our Rhode Island Red rooster and hens. I figure we also don’t have to worry about strange birds bringing things in as well that way.

Im wondering when would be the best time to start hatching some chicks
I did my first fall hatch last year. I set the the eggs in September. I live in Missouri. It doesn’t really start getting bitterly cold at night, until late December or January. So by the time the cold weather settled in the chicks were close to being fully feathered. I kept them out in my brooder coop from day one. They did a lot better than I anticipated, even when it was single digit and below zero temperatures. For a couple weeks. I still prefer to hatch in the spring though. I like that there is plants and bugs and warm temperatures when it is time to turn them out of the brooder house.

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