managing multiple roosters?

Whats the best way to introduce roo's together. We currently have 8 hens and one roo, but this weekend we will be rescuing 30 more birds, 3 of them roo's, After their quarantine I would like to introduce the two flocks, any one have any advice?

Also my current roo is very very tiny. from the ground to the top of his head can only be 6-7 inches. I am concerned that he will get beat up...
Wow, poor guy, any idea where he got in? Maybe you could try coaxing him out somehow from the entry point. Don't know what to tell you other than move the logs somehow before he dies of dehydration/starvation.
I purchased 12 "sexed" chicks about 15 weeks ago.
Last week my husband said he heard one of the "girls" attempting a weak crow in the morning when he went to feed. I hadn't heard anything so thought he was mistaken. Come to find out, I had what appeared to be 9 hens and 3 RIR 'roos.
Today as I was sitting and admiring one of my barred rocks, "she" had the audacity to stick out her neck and crow, too. Wow!! I am after eggs, not stew in the pot.
I have observed the flock, and it's become apparent that to keep the peace, 3 of the 'roos will have to go-I am insisting on keeping one boyfriend for the girls.
Could anyone let me know the temperment of RIR and Barred Rock 'roos, so that I can make the decision as to who gets to stay. Or do I need a rooster per breed? Seems to me a 'roo is a 'roo is a 'roo... The people I received the flock from said they would take back the 'roos I don't want in exchange for hens from same batch they still have. Which should go?
I think he is moving around in there because his crowing comes from deep inside then closer to the top but you still can't see him. The pile is like a bunch of pick up sticks. I am pretty sure he can get out if he wants.
I am worried about the water issue but there are allot of flying termites around so food is not a worry and he can get some moisture from them.

I talked to the guy who owns the logs and he said it is too dangerous to walk on them, or crawl around them, some of them are loose and could tumble and pin or crush a human. So he politely told me to stay off and he likes chickens.

I tried in the early morning (when nobody was around
) to look for him with a flashlight under the pile thru the spaces but no luck. I figure it is sort of a hollow under the pile, like a small cave.

I was thinking of sending one of my tame hens in there maybe she could coax him out or one of his hens but they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. I might have two that won't come out of there then.
All the oldtimers think he will come out or is coming out when nobody is around. I honestly have no idea, I hope so.

He is crowing this morning. This is day five.
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If you trade out adult birds, be sure to quarantine before mixing your flocks. Are these your first chickens? If so, and they all came from the same place (chicks hatched from the same people, etc.) then you probably would be OK without a quarantine if you can't feasibly do one.

So it sounds like you have 3 RIR roos and 1 BR roo, but I'd be sure before trading anyone out. Some hens can crow! You might want to post pics on the "What Breed or Gender am I?" board.

So if you have 4 roos and 8 hens, what breed(s) are the rest of the hens? That would impact my recommendation on what to keep, assuming you are in a position to keep ANY rooster (live in the city near neighbors who might complain?) as well as whether you intend to breed and hatch chicks.

Right off, I'd say that RIR have a reputation for being mean roos, so I'd be inclined to keep the BR roo (assuming it really is one).
We caught some stray chickens in a live animal trap one time - you need to put some feed on a plate WAY in the back of the trap, so he has to step on the pressure plate. Then you sprinkle some feed/seed around the trap and kind of leading into it. Maybe bait with a well-known and well-liked treat?

We caught 4 chickens in 2 traps in 15 minutes. They would just walk in, get caught, get removed - then another chicken who sat there watching the whole thing would go right into the trap we just re-set, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM!!!
My chickens as free range, I've recently purchased some breeding stock in 2 breeds, so soon a second coop and a tractor will be built and in use. I have 4 grown boys. One is my new blue ameraucana, he and my old roo's ignore eachother. My old guys are 1, 2, and 3. Their dominance is in that order. They were all bred, born and raised here. 3 spends most of his days in the field by himself, but has taken a liking to following our hens and their 16 chicks around....omg I forgot my lil mixed cochin bantam guy too...these 2 roo's follow the hen's and their chicks around playing dutiful father, while 1 and 2 patrol the main flock. I am building a bachelor pad over the winter for fleshing out our non-breeder boys. Most will go to auction but I decided to let my dad have a few for the freezer as well. In my experience, being raised together promotes a type of partnership in many roosters. And since mine freerange, any that aren't high ranking just spend thier time elsewhere during the day. I;ve also NEVER owned a mean rooster. Mine have never flogged anyone, I guess I'm just lucky. lol
I started with 20 chickens this spring 10 barred rocks supposed to be 6 pullets 4 roosters ended up being 6 roosters and 4 pullets from Rural king a month later I pick up 6 golden comets along with two ducks from tractor supply about a month later they had all poultry clearance for 75 cents each the wife wanted 2 pekin ducks so I got 4 black sex link pullets to make up the 6 birds minimum by state law . I have decided to keep 2 roosters at about 17 weeks one roosters decided to puff up at me. I showed him whos dominate by grilling him that evening
Another rooster thought being aggressive was the way to go he is now in the freezer all eggs will be eatin for a while to be sure those genes aren't passed on the other two that I wasn't keeping are pretty docile roosters since I didn't feel like cleaning them this week end I posted the following add on craiglist

parden the roosters

I have to many roosters. Two have to go. so Heres the deal!!! I Have 2 fine young Barred rock roosters five and half months old, that have a date with a pot of dumpling soon. I would trade the two roosters for one young hen or Hen duck who could live a long life here, said hen providing eggs while I provide them all the laying mash they can eat plus plenty of treats from the garden excess. You can parden the roosters or fullfil their date with the dumplings I don't care (I'd rather not have to clean them) I live between shandon and okeana, so unless your coming to me you need to live close.
3:30 p.m. Sat. is the point of no return If I get no responce by them well.......... You know what happens
Thanks for looking and have a nice day

I got a call from some one that did not want to trade off a hen ,but would meet me at tsc and buy me 50# of laying mash for them
because he had lost his roosters

He's out!

He came out on his own last night, couldn't believe my eyes, he was alive!!!
Caught him and brought him into the house for the night. He was very hungry and thirsty, otherwise fine.
He started crowing at 6 am this morning!
He is locked up in a pen by himself until I can build him and his hens a place of their own.
I figure he was in there for 9 days. He is one tough little guy.

Now I have to give him the perfect name.
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Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this post-crazy life that I live!!
I took two of the RIR 'roos (positively ID'd) back to the woman I purchased them from and she sweetly exchanged them for little girls. The other RIR I have been watching carefully, and think I may have been mistaken so will keep her/him to see what comes of it.
I am definitely keeping the BR 'roo-not only is he the most beautiful of the flock-he has a beautiful but quiet crow that greets me every morning, like he recognizes me (is that really possible??)
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