Mandarin Duck Eggs (Finally Hatching)


Aug 3, 2020
Southern Utah
I have 4 Mandarin duck eggs in my incubator on day 31 I believe(Worried so much that I lost track on day 29). They are all pipped externally, they have been so for about 40 hours.

All 4 of them you can hear and feel them moving around in their shell

Only one of them has even made another hole, which it made about 5 hours ago.

2 of them still look like their beak is going up and down kinda, Maybe still absorbing yolk/bleating to breathe?

And the last one is chirping good when I whistle/tap but it hasn't made any progress.

I have had the temperature at 99.5% and humidity at 73%

PLEASE tell me if this is normal or what they need, They're white mandarins and maybe one normal colored mandarin, I know there's hardly anywhere where you can find baby white mandarin pictures.
I have had them pip and stay like that for at least 2 days.Then they zip quick and they are out.
One of them pecked a pretty big hole then started chirping extremely consistently and squirming and trying to pry itself out, so I knew it had absorbed all the yolk and i helped it out.

Now I have one beautiful baby white mandarin duck :D

I won't help the others unless it is absolutely necessary unlike this one.
Yeah sometimes when they make a hole instead of zipping they shrink wrap.Glad it worked out for you!!

3 baby white mandarin ducklings

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