Manure Issues -Zoning Board wants clarification


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 2, 2011

Thank you for reading this post.
Does anyone have information for proper removal of waste? The board is concerned of smell and contamination of well waters. They would be interested in how other towns have specified the language and also would want articles reassuring them that 6 chickens will not contaminate the well waters in the area.

Thank you for your help.

Almost there, hopefully.
Thanks for your reply.

Yes I am from NH. We have some guidelines but these are based on larger "farms". I would like to adjust the language so it is clearer for BYC owners to manage their waste, without it ending up in the landfill due to restrictions.

What mandate does the town put on the manure management for dogs? A couple of large dogs create an equal or greater amount of manure, for pity sake. If the town also limits the size of the flock to 3, 5 or 6 birds, the "waste management" could easily be handled in a back yard composter drum that are so popular now. Maybe I'm missing something. If we are talking large flocks of 50 or more birds, then yes, best practices is typically already spelled out by State Agricultural policies, county Ag extensions, or similar. I personally follow the University of Maine's best practices and handling. But it is more geared for the gardener, not so much for the ground water issue.

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