Many Little Hands Farm


6 Years
Apr 17, 2018
Figured I would try this out, and give an overall update/story thing about our flock and our journey to where we are now...
Okay, so 2 years ago we started out with 6 Buff Orpingtons and 6 "RIRs"(which turned out to be mostly Buckeyes) because of a BOGO sale at a local feed store. Then my grandmother and aunt decided that they wanted chicks so we bought 12 more "RIRs". That fell through, they decided they didn't have the time or the space at the moment, so we were up to 24, then they started giving away free "RIRs" and we got 12 more... Oh, and we got 6 guinea fowl. One hen fell under falling plywood and broke a leg, Peggy became our house chicken for over a year.
The next year I bought my own flock, so started with 10 brown leghorns(lost 2 afterwards) and bought 2 BLRWs, we had to buy another coop and it came with 3 free chicks(turned out to be a Buff Orpington roo, and 2 white unidentified breed hens), my aunt(a different one than before) gave me a Buff Orpington hen. I hatched my first 4 chicks when a random flock was given to us(3 roos, and a hen) I sold 3/4 and kept a deformed(rotated tibia & hermaphrodite) Ella as a house chicken.
We also went to auction and brought home a bunch of Golden Comet hens, and a Cochin(not quite bantam but not anywhere near standard) roo(thought it was a hen...). We were given a mixed flock of 10 hens, 2 roos, and another batch of Golden Comet hens.
And this year we exploded to a collective 158 chickens before I stopped incubating...
We're currently down to 101...
I know this has probably been confusing... and I almost made it more confusing by adding names and ALL of the exact breeds... So thank me if this has been confusing at all :D...
Thanks for reading if you actually got this far,
Feel free to ask any questions, I love to talk about my chickens so really any questions are welcome.
Sorry I haven't gotten pictures yet, been a couple of hectic days...
But figured I would share that I finally got into bantams this year, and due to lack of outside space our 9 week olds(bantams, standards, and guineas) are still inside... well, my bantam roo decided to start crowing this morning... he sounds like a dying clown car horn :confused: :lau
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Oh. My. Gosh! Loveeeeee!!!! I love how you've acquired them all!! So nifty! I'd also echo everyone in saying that I'd like to see pictures!! Yay for chicken math!!
I finally bring photos! It's been too rainy, and when it's not raining life is hectic, and I just hadn't had the chance to get current pics.

Snow White

Little Fire(who's not so little now)

Penny(left) & Mr. Brown(roo @ right)

Mira(cochin cross on left)

Adira, Mira's assumed half-sister... although, who knows they could be full blooded sisters. I just know they have the same dad.

Curled Toes(as I call her due to one foot being curled) AKA Mom's fave & Redd in the background

Owl(the splash), Ziggy(the blue wheaten), and Blondie(the photobomber)

More of Owl because he's MY favorite

Anyone know what this guy is? was supposed to be a black sex link hen...

Here is Worm(the silkie) poking her head out from behind Owl

Worm again

Super excited for the Buff Brahma and the blue chick next to her.

Also excited for the bantams(FINALLY!!!!)

And an extra present: Puppies!!! Mossy is a 7 year old pit bull, Oak is a 14 week old yellow lab, and Rocky is an 11 week old boston/pug mix.

EDIT: this is definitely not all of them, but it's a lot of them, and it's a good representation of the rest of them.
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