Many thanks to whomever told me about heating pads for brooders!

Camelot Farms

10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
VA,TN,NC Tri-State area
I ended up needing an emergency brooder for a possibly sick chick, 2 others had already died. I had her in ok. In my bra. Trying to figure out what to do with her when suddenly I rememberd someone told me to use a heating pad as an emergency warmer. So, I got out a tote, lined the bottom with a thick towel, popped the pad in there, covered it with a linen towel and VOILA! Brooder!

I take her out every little while to get a drink cause I dont dare put a waterer in there. It'll work til I can find something else tomorrow.

So, a HUGE thank you to whomever told me about this great idea!
They're great aren't they! My coop only has a height of about 2.5 feet, so I didn't feel comfortable putting a lamp in there that the chicks could burn themselves on. So I got a reptile heat pad I had in the house and put out there. It's working great.

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