Marans and Marans/Game gender guesses?


6 Years
Nov 16, 2013
Autauga County, Alabama
We have one full Marans and three Marans/Game crosses who are just shy of five weeks old now, and I was wondering if anyone could help up out with gender guesses. The mothers of three were given to us as "Game hens," so I don't really know what they are.

The Marans--loves fighting with everyone and has pretty thick legs.

Cross chick one--crows and also enjoys fighting with siblings, mostly the blue bully above. His mom has a pea comb. Dad was a BCM.

Thing 2 - Mother has very small black comb; Dad was a BCM. Doesn't fight as much as the first two, has slimmer legs than the other two but interesting patterning on neck.

Thing 1-Did not cooperate for picture taking. Sibling to Thing 2, least interested in fighting with siblings, feathering in all black so far.

Still to early to tell? Need better pictures? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Yeah, I ended up with three little roosters from this hatch. Thing 1 was the only girl. Thing 2 just got more and more yellow on him and his wattles and comb kept growing and getting red. Thing 1 has a tiny dark comb like her mother and only the barest traces of copper on her neck at ten weeks. This is Thing 2 at eight weeks.

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