Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Thank you Karen for the detailed answer. I am going to see if I can return them. I talked to the gal I purchased them from & she's convinced they are perfect for a starter breeding program. She is considering letting us return them. We did pay a "premium" for them, so we will see what happens. Time for more self-education! Thanks again.

RangeChicks, I don't know where you are, but Secret Hills Ranch in Alpine, CA is breeding Marans from the Bev Davis line.
You will likely get darker eggs from the black.  Some of our chicks show sexing strongly at one week, so as everyone says, pick the smallest combs.  Are these hatchery birds?  It will be a couple of years but I'll be bringing some quality Marans genetics to the big island (Puna) when we move there.

I believe they are hatchery chicks. I'm actually driving to Puna tomorrow to get them! I'll find out for sure and post back. @Ihilani Coffee when are you moving here? I'd definitely be interested! Let's keep in touch :)
I'm not sure about the quarantine situation. I know day old chicks can be sent but not all hatcheries will do it cause special permit is needed
I believe they are hatchery chicks. I'm actually driving to Puna tomorrow to get them! I'll find out for sure and post back. @Ihilani Coffee when are you moving here? I'd definitely be interested! Let's keep in touch

I'm not sure about the quarantine situation. I know day old chicks can be sent but not all hatcheries will do it cause special permit is needed

A special permit is also needed for hatching eggs. That's why I won't ship eggs to Hawaii.
I have a Black Copper Maran and a Blue Copper Maran that I got around a month ago. One of them surprised me with an egg today. I saw pictures of Marans egg posted so I'm hoping this is one and not just a darker version of my Red sex-links. They lay a pretty goldish brown egg and it took me awhile to notice this one and that it is darker then the others and has little specks on it. Plus it is a little smaller like a new egg. Jus want to post pics of my girls and my first egg.
Now comes the egg. I think the Black Maran is the one that laid it. She has been stalking the egg box a lot.

It's hard to tell in the pictures of the eggs but they are all darker then they look. The one in the middle as you can see if the darkest egg. I'm not sure if it's wishful thinking or what. None of my eggs are that brown and don't have speckles. Anyone have any input?
So I got my two chicks! I ended up getting two blue cause cause she was keeping the black. They aren't hatchery chicks , she hatched them herself. And MAN!! I wish I'd have gotten a pic of her Roo!! He was GORGEOUS!! Beautiful coloring, and a huge beef cake! Stunning! And the blue hens she had are gorgeous too, along with black and splash hens. I'll post a pic of them tomorrow as they are out cold in the brooder after the two hour car ride home :)
Edit: Sorry, I read the last post incorrectly!

Now I have an empty post to fill, so here are some pics of Geraldine the GCM! She's about 8 weeks old here.
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I was under the assumption that the black lay darker eggs then blue. Looks like that might be from the blue one. But I'm no expert. I'd love to know what others think.
Typically if your birds are from a Black only pen the eggs might be darker BUT when you breed blue and black together they will all lay similar color eggs.
Black coppers do NOT guarantee you dark eggs. That comes from breeding and you really never know what you will get as you can't know what the cockerels/cocks are carrying in the egg department. My blue coppers lay as dark as my blacks. Same would go for a lighter colored egg you can get them from either black or blue pullets.
Konachicks, I'm not sure which one laid it. I't so cold here right now that I didn't get to see which one it was. I usually go out and check all the time. Both the Black and the Blue stalk the nests but the black is the only one I've seen go in there. The picture doesn't really show how dark any of the eggs are. I should have used my cell phone. It takes better pictures. I turned the flash off on my camera but it still comes out bright. You could be right.

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