Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

There probably is.... I don't know what it would be called. Keep applying it on the leg and tail. They really don't like it. Try to give them some entertainment...... hang a cabbage in the pen or get a flock block or make one... there is a thread that was a riot to read about making them..... I would still like the "Crock-pot Flock Block" recipe I don't think they every found one though.
Thank you so much! Those are great ideas for boredom too. Didn't think about it. I will keep on the anti pick. I will be diligent in going out at night to attend to it. It's gotta get better :)
Thank you again!
you will get all kinds of opinions on that. I do think you need to wait till the eggs are big enough for a chick to be good size.

I hatch pullet eggs all the time. I have never seen any health issues with them. I do wait till the eggs are big enough to hatch.
Thank you Donna, I think we can wait like you do if the chicks are going to be better quality. It won't hurt us to wait two or even three months if we get better results.
Yeah! All three of my girls are laying again. Finally one that is eight months started laying, she must have heard us talking about fry chicken! ;-)
HI EVERYONE!!!!!! Hope all you Marans lovers are doing great! Been a while since I popped by to say hey, it was time.

Down to 2 pullets after the mountain lion fiasco and of course neither one of them has ever given up an egg. Wish they would, they are plenty old enough, but I know the chaos from the attacks has freaked them out. So my Marans are on hold right now and indefinitely until I get a rooster, which could be a while.

Also, wanted to tell everyone Happy Thanksgiving if I don't get the chance to cruise back by. I miss BYC and chicken chatting!

Have a great one everybody! :)
Hey, Pink!
Nice to see you! Crossed fingers you'll see some eggs VERY SOON!
Yeah! All three of my girls are laying again. Finally one that is eight months started laying, she must have heard us talking about fry chicken! ;-)

Great! My Marans seem to take a bit longer to lay also. We have the April pullets starting, some more consistently than others. The May batch hasn't begun yet. The June hatchery (other breeds) started last week, some of them. The main layer flock is on hold with the molting. I'm considering the Feather Fixer as some have said it will bring them out of it faster. I've tried salmon heads, canned salmon, scrambled eggs, extra redworms...most are getting or have their feathers back, but no eggs :-(
Great! My Marans seem to take a bit longer to lay also. We have the April pullets starting, some more consistently than others. The May batch hasn't begun yet. The June hatchery (other breeds) started last week, some of them.
I was glad my girls started laying about 5 months old. They were hatched about the second week of April and started laying the middle of September. I know that's not the norm though.

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